what is this?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
majicmike;128498 said:
Are you joking around or....????
Joking(but making a point) If you can take it out and burn it off, great. Harbor freight has pen torches for cheap. Or razor it off(out of the tank), soak the plastic in bleach, rinse well and let it dry for 24 hours. Then rinse it again before it goes back in the tank. If it can't be removed, Kalk i, peppermint shrimp, copper band butterfly(make sure it already eats frozen food) or there are products on the market to kill them.

hurrafreak;128501 said:
It's a sore subject, that may need to be addressed, but it has no bearing on this thread.
Juan, I am bent out of shape because I keep getting called out by a certain person(in threads which I am not even involved). Of which, to my knowledge, I have never met. But you are correct. I don't want to give the impression to a new member that we don't want to help.