What's the going rate for true Colorado Sunburst Anemones?


Butterfly Fish
Did your Sunbursts ever sell?


Butterfly Fish
Kk, thanks. He hasn't come back to this thread or responded to my PM, so I was wondering.


M.A.S.C Club Member
mdrumm;216267 said:
It's not the lighting. the first picture is taken in my tank room with just the over head lights after I moved the anemones. I got my first SB from a split that was bought from key's. These things glow. I couldnt take a bad picture if I wanted to. Just moved another to the sump. It's about 5 to 6 inches when inflated.
Great camera....great lighting...either way, we all know it makes a HUGE difference in photos. Most of our vendors use great lighting and great cameras to show us the potential and beauty of the corals we drool over. ;) I have many Sunbursts (also all from Key's from 4 years ago). They all look VERY different from tank to tank in my home. (Display, 16g Nuvo, JBJ's w/power compacts, etc) Either way, yours look great and I was just commenting because I can't get my pictures to do my SB's any justice. ;)

As far as you "post question"...I've seen them go from $300 to $600 on Reef2Reef and ReefCentral over the past couple years, when I did my research. (Since I bought several from a reefer leaving the hobby) Depending on size, yours would be in the high range I would assume.


Butterfly Fish
sorry guys. law firm has been kicking my butt. I sold two for $400 each and have cut the third to keep the propogation going. I will have more available but the prices offered locally do not compete with what I can get if I go outside of CO. Will pm those that messaged me when I have more available. Thanks.