Which skimmer to get?


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well as many of you know I'm upgrading systems so I'm getting a new skimmer!

So trying to figure out which swc skimmer to get

Swc 250s1 cone
Swc 250s2 cone
Swc 300 cone
Swc 350 non cone

Anyone have one of these and give me feed back?
If it was me I wouldn't get none of those. I would get a MRC skimmer. They are upgradable so you don't have to keep buying a new skimmer each time you get a bigger tank, or if you get a bigger bio load. I own a MR-2 and I love it. Just my opinion. :)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I like my SWC mini S cone skimmer better than my MRC-2R. Draws far less power and has a more stable head of foam.

I'd get the largest SWC that you can make fit and I like the cones better than the normal body.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
For a comparable gallon wise with mrc I would need to run a reeflo baracuda pump to run it the mrc skimmers are not very efficient in my eyes. I love my swc 200 that I have on my reef now. I really don't think I'll need to skim heavily with a 150 gallon 4 camber refugium with mangroves colurpa and whatever other two macros I choose to do.

Size is not a issue the will all fit. I have been kinda leaning to the swcs2 it is rated to 700 gallons the swc 300 is only rated for 400 gallons.