White spots on lemonpeal tang Help!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Mcmarine;244117 said:
Since I started this thread the lemonpeal has died along with my naso and pair of ORA black clowns so that's quite a bummer.
sorry for the loss, dont know what else is in your tank, but hopefully your tank doesn't lose anymore and everythings calming back down


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: White spots on lemonpeal tang Help!!

Did you add a new fish? Before all this started.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Your wrasse should be OK, heavy slime coat helps protect them.

Im in a similair issue, but winning the battle with natural remedies, experimenting on some ideas I had for killiung ick when I was breeding cichlids. Seems to be working so far.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I almost wish it was lymphocystis because that can often be tempered down in a tank with rest and acclimation; mind you very hard to eradicate without removing all the fish and letting the tank sit for several months.

> Typically ich coats a fish in patches instead of spread out nodules.

I disagree, from what I can see these are tell tale signs of ich (the description above is one of marine velvet IMHO, which is similar). Did you recently add any fish? Fish can have ich without showing any signs (it lives in their gills sometimes). Back when I was new, I had a similar problem. I lost half of my fish in my 90gallon. Eventually I had to remove all of the remaining fish and treat them with copper. The lesson I learned was always quarantine.

I live in Fort Collins, if you live nearby just PM me I'd be willing to help out. Unfortunately, I don't have any quarantine space at the moment otherwise I'd offer it. Best of luck. Whatever you do, just remember to go slow :)