Little background.
My wife has worked for Macy's for almost 6 years. She started out in California just working a counter then worked her way up to Management within 1 year. She worked the cash office in one of the biggest stores in California for almost 3 years. She never had a write up, verbal warning or anything potentially negative against her the whole time she was in California. She was responsible for $80,000-$1000,000 daily.
When my job situation transferred me to Colorado she also put in a job transfer. Macy's HR messed this all up and never got it processed. So she basically had to reapply with Macy's and started from the ground up again. Well she is working full time in the fine jewelry department.
Almost a year ago to the day she was suspended because she did not call over a loss prevention member to show a piece of jewelry that was worth more than $5,000. She was suspended for a week and put on probation for 1 year. Nothing was lost, stolen or unaccounted for.
Well now it is almost exactly 1 year later (1 week short) and she is suspended again. This time is because a checkmark is in the wrong place. Every jewelry counter has a sign in and sign out sheet for jewelry which the associates use every night and every morning. This sheet has a full month of sign ins and outs and every employee behind the counter has access to it. My wife is very anal attentive and her attention to detail is second to none. Well someone put a check in a "sale" column when the jewelry was not on a sale day. Because this checkmark was done on a day she closed she is taking the fall for it. She is 100% certain she did not make the check mark.
She now has a meeting with HR today and we think Macy's is looking to fire her because she is 6 months pregnant and Christmas season is coming up and they have questioned her if she is going to be able to keep up. If she does get fired it will be a procedural firing, however nothing was lost stolen or unaccounted for.
Do you guys think we have any legal recourse here?
Personally I could care less if she lost her job with Macy's, I can afford her not to work. The problem is her health insurance is through her work right now and we can't afford to lose that. I know we can get cobra if she gets fired but I do not want to afford that.
My wife has worked for Macy's for almost 6 years. She started out in California just working a counter then worked her way up to Management within 1 year. She worked the cash office in one of the biggest stores in California for almost 3 years. She never had a write up, verbal warning or anything potentially negative against her the whole time she was in California. She was responsible for $80,000-$1000,000 daily.
When my job situation transferred me to Colorado she also put in a job transfer. Macy's HR messed this all up and never got it processed. So she basically had to reapply with Macy's and started from the ground up again. Well she is working full time in the fine jewelry department.
Almost a year ago to the day she was suspended because she did not call over a loss prevention member to show a piece of jewelry that was worth more than $5,000. She was suspended for a week and put on probation for 1 year. Nothing was lost, stolen or unaccounted for.
Well now it is almost exactly 1 year later (1 week short) and she is suspended again. This time is because a checkmark is in the wrong place. Every jewelry counter has a sign in and sign out sheet for jewelry which the associates use every night and every morning. This sheet has a full month of sign ins and outs and every employee behind the counter has access to it. My wife is very anal attentive and her attention to detail is second to none. Well someone put a check in a "sale" column when the jewelry was not on a sale day. Because this checkmark was done on a day she closed she is taking the fall for it. She is 100% certain she did not make the check mark.
She now has a meeting with HR today and we think Macy's is looking to fire her because she is 6 months pregnant and Christmas season is coming up and they have questioned her if she is going to be able to keep up. If she does get fired it will be a procedural firing, however nothing was lost stolen or unaccounted for.
Do you guys think we have any legal recourse here?
Personally I could care less if she lost her job with Macy's, I can afford her not to work. The problem is her health insurance is through her work right now and we can't afford to lose that. I know we can get cobra if she gets fired but I do not want to afford that.