Will clownfish host anything else besides an anenome?

Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I didnt assume, you named that site and first on your list i might add. Not to mention the FACT that you said "severial other reef forums" Then announced reefcentral, thereeftank, 3reef

Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
chelseagrin;113183 said:
i dont, i do not even have an accoun on there. i was using those forums as an example of what heffe would have been treated like if he proposed this question on one of them.
So since you dont have an account on there YOU are ASSUMING this is what will happen to Heffe?


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
nadking;113181 said:
I would not make your decision based on what is pictured on manufacturer display pics. Have you ever seen what is on the biocube boxes?

I am sure that the clowns will survive assuming you keep up on WC. I know someone who kept a koran angel in a 14 gallon for over a year, doesn't mean it is right. It's like keeping a human in a closet.
Nope I am going off of tanks they have set up at reef shows through out the country as displays to show off the product. Tanks that they usually include in the raffle...so its not like they fish are only in these tanks for one day.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, such is life. But once a person jumps on his/her soap box, it no longer becomes an opinion. Heffe01 has been nothing but respectful to you in this post, however you seem to want to push him and other members on this site. We come here for the opinions or our peers, friends and could care less what the other sites say. At one point you told another member to read all of what you had to say, yet you have yet to read all of what was said in the post as well. The "pair" of clowns that are going in will not be full size and once they get start to get bigger they are going into that main display. Hell they maybe an inch long when they go in the pico, who knows, because you didn't ask, you just jumped on your soap and stuck your foot in your mouth. Just my opinion...


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
that being said, 2owns in a three gallon is going to be a challenge and IMO Not a great idea. If you're going to move them in the long term it could be done. In terms of hosting in other things... Mine host green star polyps on the corner by my overflow and love it. They are very resilient fish.
it seems none of you do your research such as this hobby crucially requires. none of you have taken to attention when i said no care guide online will say 3 gallons is suitable. i quickly found several sites that have the min. tanks size. and 10 gallons is actually quite leniant.

aquacon-20 or larger
liveaquaria-20 or larger
petco-30 gallons or larger
masa-70 liters or larger
fishkeeping-20 or larger
it seems none of you do your research such as this hobby crucially requires. none of you have taken to attention when i said no care guide online will say 3 gallons is suitable. i quickly found several sites that have the min. tanks size. and 10 gallons is actually quite leniant.

aquacon-20 or larger
liveaquaria-20 or larger
petco-30 gallons or larger
masa-70 liters or larger
fishkeeping-20 or larger


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
My large display tank. Nuff said! Come talk to me when you can keep a tank that looks like this. Instead of bragging about your dirty Fish Den corals!

i could not care less what your tank looks like, just the fact that you would keep a pair of clowns in a 3 gallon tank is almost too much for me to stomach. no real aquarist would put a beautiful fish through so much trauma. its sick.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
chelseagrin;113209 said:
i could not care less what your tank looks like, just the fact that you would keep a pair of clowns in a 3 gallon tank is almost too much for me to stomach. no real aquarist would put a beautiful fish through so much trauma. its sick.
You do know what fish go through that you get from the local fish store right? So your just as guilty as anyone of us. Not to mention the fact that your buying your livestock from unreputable stores, and god knows what your bringing home to your tanks with them. Plus the fact that you almost killed some of your SPS by leaving them in a tank for a month with only stock lighting. Could have very easily found a holding tank with someone else till you got the problem corrected. Or better yet, be responsible and have a backup plan ready. So please...just give it a rest.
Heffe since you have such a great reef and are obviously very experienced I am surprised as to why you did not know the answer to your original question.


M.A.S.C Club Member
You know what is "sick"? A person who would put a damsel in a small tank for six days.. Now that's sick, call the wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh police, already....

And yes I know, but six days.... jerk....

I once put a baby cow in a box.... I really didn't, but I would, veal taste good.
i dont get how your trying to make me seem like the bad guy but im not acting like the 6 year old that just saw finding nemo. ive been in this hobby for 22+ years and i have a masters degree in marine biology.
when your tanks look better than the tanks i have had, then you can give me all your bull.





this is just a small sample.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
nadking;113213 said:
Heffe since you have such a great reef and are obviously very experienced I am surprised as to why you did not know the answer to your original question.
I asked because I have never had them host in anything other than an anenome. So I wanted to see what our options were before we made the decision. I know they will host in other things if an anenome is not availible or non-suitible to them. So I wanted to see what other people experiances are with other hosts.
this is pathetic, and you guys think you are experienced in this hobby? i have met newbs that wouldnt do such a idiotic thing. and like i said, because you supposedly have experience then that makes it much worse.

Mini T

Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
chelseagrin;113216 said:
i dont get how your trying to make me seem like the bad guy but im not acting like the 6 year old that just saw finding nemo. ive been in this hobby for 22+ years and i have a masters degree in marine biology.
when your tanks look better than the tanks i have had, then you can give me all your bull.

How big is that tank the sohal tang in?