WTB Another list of corals


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
B.O.D. Member-at-Large
So would prefer to trade but also would like to find the following:

Orange Crush Acan (anyone that got these from one of my DBTCs ready to frag them?)
Electric Oompa Loompas
Fruit Loops (anyone that got these from one of my DBTCs ready to frag them?)
Emeralds on FIre
Kedds Redds
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M.A.S.C Club Member
Scott - I have a colony of 7-10 CARS, one of Kedds 15-10 heads, and Orange Crush 15-20 heads. Toss me an offer for them if you are interested.