Wtb aptasia x or joes juice close to Brighton


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hmmm, usually that works for me... I don't use a needle, just a long nozzle, so it gets deep into the mouth of the aip.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have some you can use, its an older brand bottle, don't know if it looses any potency over time. I'll be home later, probably after 2, PM me your #, and I'll give you a call.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Some leaked out onto some digitata and damaged it a bit, but it is recovering nicely. No other adverse effects.
So I decided not to use the aptasia x and took my rock piece out picked the aptasia off the rock then ran hot hot water over that part of the rock luckily only a small area ........end result all aptasia dead now just to get the peppermint shrimp so it don't come back and get big again