WTB Copperband Butterfly

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Keys def has great fish! Every single fish in my tank is from keys and never had one death!!! The great thing about ki is that he essentially started the reefing game in Denver and had great sources for fish that he has used for years and years and years!!!

Side note: has any one had a butterfly in their DT that they have had for a long time?


M.A.S.C Club Member
90% of my fish have come from keys as well and all have been healthy and great fish. This is my third copperband and none of them touched frozen or live brine. This one came from keys and he ate frozen the next day I had him and has taken care of my aiptasia problem as well and still eats like a pig during feeding time.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yup. I have Ki watching for a good CBB and little foxface for me too. He's been a generous supporter of the Columbine reef for years and years as well. Good guy to work with.