WTB - Macro algae, Lawnmower blenny, Stomatella snail

Hey! So, I got a bonus from work! So now I have a little spending money for my tank. Hurray!

I am looking for some macro algae, specifically reds. I would really like some more Flame Algae (Bryothamnion sp.) since I know it survives well in my tank setup but I am always willing to try other types. I wouldn't mind trying some Laurencia poitei, Red Titan Algae (Titanophora sp.), Pink Galaxy (Galaxaura rugosa), Fire Fern. I tried a good bunch of Gracilaria a few years back and it didn't make it, but I think it was just a bad batch and my lights sucked pretty bad back then.

Also, looking for a Lawnmower Blenny. I know I can just buy one from Petco, but I would really like to use them as a last last last last resort. Considering the track record of Petco......

Lastly, looking for more Stomatella snails. I had a good batch of about 20 before I moved but I think only 2 made it. I really like them and they are much more hardy than other snails.

If you have some for sale or know anyone locally please hit me up. I would much rather get these from someone in the club then order them online or buy from Petco.

Thanks! :cool:


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
JimmyOrangeSeed;125812 said:
Also, looking for a Lawnmower Blenny. I know I can just buy one from Petco, but I would really like to use them as a last last last last resort. Considering the track record of Petco......
You can ask the employee to not put it in their tanks, you have to be punctual picking it up though.

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M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm sure anyone of our sponsors would be able to help you with the stomatella and lawnmower blenny. I haven't seen much of them selling macros though but it seems as though DJKMS can help you there and he's always been a good guy!