wtb overflow acrylic work

Anyone out there good with acrylic, and have the tools to make an overflow box?

Ordering my bits and plumbing ti drill a beananimal set up, but the box I wanted to use is to short, so lookin to get one made.

pm or post if you can work the acrylic or have a box sitting around. Wierd dimensions though atleast 12in long 6in tall and 4 inch wide

Considering dropping the third failsafe on my plans so could possibly use a shorter box if one comes available


M.A.S.C Club Member
Elite reef does them i believe


Platinum Sponsors
Platinum Sponsor
We have the acrylic you need. They are black with the notches for the overflow on one end. They are 6" tall and come in 4' strips.
You would have to cut to size and glue it.

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Damn flu, passed out for the whole day. Whats the pricing on the acrylic, cant find it on ur website, and by chance do u have the weldon?

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M.A.S.C Club Member
building a beanimal set up. atleast trying lol, if i cant get a decent box ill end up going glass cages. just odd to trade a downturn pipe and full siphon for an open bulkhead with a baffle.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
dirtefish;141836 said:
building a beanimal set up. atleast trying lol, if i cant get a decent box ill end up going glass cages. just odd to trade a downturn pipe and full siphon for an open bulkhead with a baffle.
I just built a bean animal, don't skimp on smaller diameter piping and the sani-tees. I did 1" piping and regular T's, I immediately regret this decision. Roughly 15g tank. I haven't been as lucky with my adjustments as the others on RC. My open channel drains more water than my full siphon.


M.A.S.C Club Member
How big is the tank?? I did a full bean animal on my fish only, but only had enough space to do a hybrid bean animal (many call a herbie overflow) on my smaller reef tank (overflow box already installed and too small). The only difference on the herbie is I don't have a dedicated "true" emergency drain. I also went with 1 1/2" drains so it works perfect!
Tank is 75g standard and will be doing a 40b as well after I finish the 75.
Calvin is gonna help out on the acrylic work for the overflow. Saw a sample of his stuff today, just plain amazing.
Im following beans set up to the smallest detail so hppefully it will run as intended. If not well the tank was free so ill have a lot of spare parts for something else cool lol.

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