WTB: RO faucet adapter


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Probably a long shot...but if anybody has one laying around after deciding to plumb their system, I'd be interested. Figured I'd ask before ordering online...and paying $7 to ship a $7 item.

Lemme know, thanks.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Awesome, thank you. I stopped at the one by my job and they didn't have it...but it's a tiny shop. I'll check out a larger ace and see if I can pick one up.


M.A.S.C Club Member
My ace did not have them as well. You might try Lowes, they had a ton of stuff for ro


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have one if you need it.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I've hit lowes, hd, ace, and a random plumbing shop...no dice. That or I'm just glassy eyed from shopping for plumbing parts.

Dropped you a pm, chris


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Are you looking to hook it up to a bathroom faucet or a washing machine faucet? I have mine hooked up to a washing machine. Just had to buy a few adapters to get it down to the right size to fit a 1/4" nipple. Plus you have a drain right next to the faucet.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Kitchen sink faucet...pretty much my only option as I'm renting and there's no w/d hookups in this place. My bathroom sink is literally probably 50 years old, no threads. Lol.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
jahmic;160851 said:
Kitchen sink faucet...pretty much my only option as I'm renting and there's no w/d hookups in this place. My bathroom sink is literally probably 50 years old, no threads. Lol.
You have options sir, I did the faucet hookup thing (bought mine at Ace in greeley) you need to bring in a piece of it. There are several thread types and it's easy to get the wrong one. You can also splice a line under your sink (I had my kold steril hooked up this way in my apt). Make a T connection from your water to the RO. When you move, you can either mend it or replace the hose, $5 at lowes.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Can you take a good picture of what your are working with? We might have ideas or ran into the same problem.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Chris may have one for me. If that doesn't work out, I'll definitely take some pics under the sink.

The main issue though, is that my carriage house (complete with barn doors) was converted like 50-60 years ago. To put things in perspective, I have a vintage gas stove...that was clearly installed before the walls were completed because there's no way it could've fit otherwise, lol. Due to the lax (or lack of) inspections back then, there is no insulation in that room. The copper pipes under the sink, to prevent from freezing, are basically wrapped in insulation with a sleeve of PVC over them. There MAY be a couple places the copper is exposed, but I'll have to check again. I just remember taking a glance then having a "f--k no" moment when considering tapping that line. :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
You could always get a saddle valve to pierce the copper if you needed I am sure mine will proabbly work for you. If it was not for the RAT BASTARD trying to steal my Jeep and Truck we could meet up today. I already went to the Junkyard and got the new window and put it in now just have to repair all the steering column parts.
The brew store (brew hut) has faucet adapters for wort chillers. I'm pretty sure they fit most faucets and most DI/RO systems that work off of standard threads as well


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
chrislorentz;160993 said:
You could always get a saddle valve to pierce the copper if you needed I am sure mine will proabbly work for you. If it was not for the RAT BASTARD trying to steal my Jeep and Truck we could meet up today. I already went to the Junkyard and got the new window and put it in now just have to repair all the steering column parts.
I'm glad they didn't get your rides...I wasn't so lucky a few years ago. Feel free to get in touch when things are all set on your end, I'm in no huge hurry as I probably have 2 weeks worth of RO on standby til I get my filter hooked up.

Thanks everyone on the leads for parts, it's sounding like I have more options than I thought.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks everyone for the help. Ended up just going with a saddle valve. Took some cleaning up of the ghetto insulation under the sink, but it worked out .


Hey you
M.A.S.C Club Member
jahmic;162555 said:
Thanks everyone for the help. Ended up just going with a saddle valve. Took some cleaning up of the ghetto insulation under the sink, but it worked out .
LMAO the picture in my mind. Glad it worked out