WTS DIY LED fixture. Proceeds go to Don's family.


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I offered this fixture for the 125 build, but I think there are already enough T5's in the mix. Therefore I am looking to auction it and all proceeds will be donated to Don's Family. Please be generous with your offers and keep the bidding to even dollar amounts (no bids like $40.50 or $125.36). I will be changing the lighting in about a week. The new lights will be ordered on Wednesday, So I will keep the auction going until 5:00pm on Saturday May 19, 2012 and the winner will be contacted via pm and the light can be picked up once the new lighting has arrived.

The light is a custom DIY LED 48" fixture. It has:

2 - 50w 20000k White LED's powered by 2 Meanwell LPF-60D-20 drivers
2 - 30w Blue LED's powered by 2 Chinese drivers (working great so far)
6 - Cree XT-E Royal Blue LED's powered by a dimmable buckpuck (used for moonlights)
6 - Cree XPG and 6 Cree XPE Neutral White and Royal Blue LED's powered by a Meanwell ELN-60-48P driver
There are 2 - 70mm fans on each heatsink and it stays cool to the touch.

I also installed a Rapid LED Dimming module that works with any PWM dimmable Meanwell driver. It allows you to dim the LED's and will run up to 9 drivers via 3 independent channels (3 drivers per channel). It also has 3 preset sunrise and sunset programs with different daylight durations - 8hr, 10hr, and 12hr.

In all this cost me more than $500 to build and has only been used for a few months.

Again, please be generous as everything will go to Don's family. And remember that the auction will end at 5:00pm this Saturday May 19, 2012. And now for some pics.

This last one was taken during the build process.


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As promised, here are some pics, though not very good ones. Lhese LED's are so bright that I could not get very good shots with my sad camera. I also took one of the tank under this light so you can get an idea how it works. This is a 90 gallon mixed reef, though it is still young, so not a lot in it yet.

Ignore all of the junk on the table in front of the tank.

Here are my anemones.

And my Green Tip Purple Frogspawn.


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The pictures make it look dim. But it is anything but. That is just the automatic aperture on the camera changing the brightness. In this picture you can get a better idea of how bright it is. Just look at the things on the table and see how bright the tank above it is (the color is more blue in this picture than in actuality though).

ALSO, REMEMBER, THERE ARE ONLY 24 HOURS LEFT TO BID. THIS AUCTION WILL END AT 5:00PM SHARP TOMORROW NIGHT. My new light should be here Monday, so the winner will be able to get the light anytime next week.


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I am really surprised that there have only been four bids in three days... LOL

Hopefully there will be a flurry of action in the last 12 hours.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
TTT, this is for Dons family , I am more than happy to win at such a low price, but surely this wont last.


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Wicked Demon;168235 said:
TTT, this is for Dons family , I am more than happy to win at such a low price, but surely this wont last.
Aaron, I hope for the families sake this doesn't last. However, if it does you just got yourself a killer deal on a killer light.

For everyone else. There are only 6 hours left in the auction, so let's get bidding.I got a shipping update on my new light today, and they have changed the delivery date to Wed. I will pm the winner as soon as the new light arrives.


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Thank you Coloradoreef!!

Let me remind everyone what is for sale, and tell you a little more about the fixture.

The light is a custom DIY LED 48" fixture. It has:

2 - 50w 20000k White LED's powered by 2 Meanwell LPF-60D-20 drivers
2 - 30w Blue LED's powered by 2 Chinese drivers (working great so far)
6 - Cree XT-E Royal Blue LED's powered by a dimmable buckpuck (used for moonlights)
6 - Cree XPG and 6 Cree XPE Neutral White and Royal Blue LED's powered by a Meanwell ELN-60-48P driver
There are 2 - 70mm fans on each heatsink and it stays cool to the touch.

I also installed a Rapid LED Dimming module that works with any PWM dimmable Meanwell driver. It allows you to dim the LED's and will run up to 9 drivers via 3 independent channels (3 drivers per channel). It also has 3 preset sunrise and sunset programs with different daylight durations - 8hr, 10hr, and 12hr.

I made this so that there are several power sources. The 50W white and 12 cree's, are on one power cord, the 30W blue are on one, the fans are on their own, and the moonlights are on one. I have it setup now so that the Blue LED's come on from 8 am to 8:00 pm and the whites and crees from 12:00 noon to 7 pm. There are holes drilled in each of the four corners and I have little caribeaners (sp?) for easy hanging. if there are any other questions please let me know, and good luck to all.

Remember, the auction ends at 5:00 sharp. That means only 3 hours and 15 minutes left.