Bump. Willing to give great package deals this weekend to avoid moving stuff. If you want everything that isn't already sold, I will sell it this weekend for $300 (without lights) or $500 with lights
That would be
- 125 gallon tank with solid oak stand
- 30 gallon ADHI sump
- 20 gallon wet dry converted to skimmer chamber
- Mag 7 return pump
- two refugium lights
- 1200 lph return pump
- Reef Octopus NWB150 Skimmer
- three hydor korelia powerheads
- two BRS 1.1ml dosers
- marine color 3 head doser
- box of various additives, chemicals, and tools.
That would be
- 125 gallon tank with solid oak stand
- 30 gallon ADHI sump
- 20 gallon wet dry converted to skimmer chamber
- Mag 7 return pump
- two refugium lights
- 1200 lph return pump
- Reef Octopus NWB150 Skimmer
- three hydor korelia powerheads
- two BRS 1.1ml dosers
- marine color 3 head doser
- box of various additives, chemicals, and tools.
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