djkms Ocean Adventure (detail, picture intensive)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well I didnt get more PAR measurings with just the blues or all 40 optics. Been busy this week and returned the meter to Dave at Reefstock.

I did get some more new goodies though!


Sunburst from Premier. Still a bit ticked off from acclimation but I will get better pics once its happy


Branching pokerstar from Gonzo at Reefstock - still needs a lot of coloring up to do but its well on its way already!




Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
What can I say, im a sucker for them! Half the fun is racing to get them before other people do, I have some good tricks up my sleeve though!

My shrimp are probably going to become expensive dinners but hey, Bettas>shrimp, they are such cool fish!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
little fish came by last night with her Nikon D5000 and took some real fast pics. She was in a rush but said she would be back to take some more pics and Im holding her to it!!!

Your tank looks really great. I love all your macros. I've tried macros in my tank but my tangs just destroy them. There's a local on Reefcentral and I think I've seen him post here once called Porthios. He has sargassum in one of his tanks, these beautiful long strings. That would look so awesome in your tank.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just wanted to give a update on my tank.

I picked up some new macros this week.

laurencia (died during shipping)

It was pretty much gone when I got home from work yesterday.


and my personal favorite - Pink Galaxy. I was real lucky to get this one. Only one place I know of that harvests this algae and last year they were only able to get 2 specimens to sell all year. This year its looking the same way, they only got 2 and are only available in the springtime.

Its still healing but is coming along nicely. After it is settled in i will get better pictures, pretty cool for a algae heh!

In other news my nutrient spike has subsided within a week my NO3 has gone from 12ppm to 2ppm and PO4 from .08 to .01. I have now ramped up my feeding to 5 times a day again so there are enough nutrients in my system for the plants. I have also been feeding phyto daily and zooplankton weekly.

Also, the Naso tang I got from will is nothing short of AWESOME. I have no sign of dictoya in my system anymore and he has moved on to a small patch of bryopsis I have! He is however also eating the sargassum I just bought but O WELL! As long as he doesn't tear through my more desirable macros I am OK!