I’ve been in since 2000, my uncle has from the 80’s. Lots has changed over time, but not a lot at once. That said the hammer could fall at anytime like it did with frogs. Even if that happens I’m sure some species will be okay, like zoas. Sps might be banned first based on EIS(s) the fed gov has come out with. You (we) could always get into higher ed programs and still grow coral. I noticed that getting my degree, that the ultra hobbiest are usually professors doing studies on animals that they couldn’t do without loads of funds and special permission. What really sucks is there are people that have a high rate of success, and/or can get help from others like here. I think those would qualify for a permit if banned, if they do it here. That might be the logical next step (permits) if we keep in mind how much livestock dies in the hands of untrained people everyday. It’s disgusting.