I am really unhappy and disappointed by what I found today. All of the fish have been fine since they have been transferred to temporary storage with a little hiccup. They suddenly popped Ich a week or two ago. I have been planning to leave them in storage and treat them once I have the tank back up and running. My plan was to get the tank up with the rock, sand, and corals let it sit fallow for the summer while caring for the fish separately. Once we were back to school and were Ich free I would reintroduce them to the tank. The only fish showing signs of sickness were the Royal Grammas. The 3 pygmy angels and the Swiss Guard Basslet were fine healthy and eating. Today I am checking in on them and feeding them and I cannot find the Swiss Guard anywhere. That was when I spotted what was left being gorged upon by a hermit crab. I don't know what could have happened over night. I assume something in the tank killed it while it was sleeping since there are so few places to hide now.