I saw it yesterday. It looks really good! You should talk about your new controller.
well I don't really know what to say about it lol. I did not want to get an apex and I've been using a RKL the whole time which was basically a glorified temp probe/heater controller. My lights and powerheads already have controllers so I outside of feeding mode I left the Hydra app for control my lights and don't really control much else. I mean it's nice and feature rich with built in wifi and bluetooth. The power strips talk to the head unit wirelessly so it's less cables to deal with which is huge in my book. It comes with all the same probes an APEX would come with but with more responsive customer support based on reviews. The app is great too and allows you to customize nearly as much as a reef angel but without having to code. Like right now I have my water level senor, which uses ultrasound instead of optics or floats which makes it more reliable, set to turn off my skimmer in the event that the sump level gets too high. Like a power outage with reverse siphon would do preventing an overflow situation when the power comes back on. My tank came with a gravity ATO and I really have nowhere else to stick an ATO bucket so thats all I can use it for at this time.
I also created a feeding mode that turns off the pumps for a few minutes. It just came out this month and I've only had it a week so far so not much to say yet except it is pretty nice seeing everything on an app. Here is a link to it so you can read about it if interested. It is on sale right now for 100 dollars off with a coupon code. They actually gave me a second power strip for free because I have been waiting since I set up my tank in August emailing them monthly for updates. I've been pretty happy with this company so far!