Well I would offer but I'm not sure if I know how to use my little hobby CNC that well yet (or have the tools) to do things like what you want. I mainly used it to drill holes in circuit boards. What is the material you want to cut and how thick will it be?
Well I would offer but I'm not sure if I know how to use my little hobby CNC that well yet (or have the tools) to do things like what you want. I mainly used it to drill holes in circuit boards. What is the material you want to cut and how thick will it be?
I would recommend holes or slots rather than what you show. Your design would be very difficult and time consuming on a CNC and would probably clog the bits up.
Holes would be easier the bit would have to be round in some form to begin with. Maybe holes that stretch in a line i.e. slots would be easier. I'm have some .22" sheet acrylic I could use. It might take me a while to figure it out and I recovering from a cold this weekend.
Holes would be easier the bit would have to be round in some form to begin with. Maybe holes that stretch in a line i.e. slots would be easier. I'm have some .22" sheet acrylic I could use. It might take me a while to figure it out and I recovering from a cold this weekend.
Yeah figured the round part. How wide of a bit can you use? Now that I keep thinking about it. Maybe doing diagonal lines across. The whole thing. Hmm.
I think I need thicker than.. .22. 1/4 in would be bare minimum and even then I'm shying away from that.
My problem with this CNC is I didn't anticipate getting some software to script the tool paths wasn't cheap and/or the free stuff out there wouldn't work too well if at all. However, I haven't really looked around lately. Lucky my PCB tool outputs the tool paths for drilling with some minor modifications to make it work right and that's mainly what I have used it for.
I did find this easel tool that they made later on that I haven't tried out much yet, but I think you can share the design with me later if you put something together. The only other problem is I checked my machine and it's only good for a bout 12 inches square. So you have to split it up somehow if that were possible.
I did find this easel tool that they made later on that I haven't tried out much yet, but I think you can share the design with me later if you put something together. The only other problem is I checked my machine and it's only good for a bout 12 inches square. So you have to split it up somehow if that were possible.
Yeah sorry about that. Hopefully someone else will have a bigger CNC.. I could in theory make the unit bigger it but I not sure if they have the kit for it anymore.
Yeah sorry about that. Hopefully someone else will have a bigger CNC.. I could in theory make the unit bigger it but I not sure if they have the kit for it anymore.