bringing in some beautiful hand caught hawaii fish for some clients and thought i would see if anyone wants to get in on some killer IN BAG pricing. ALL FISH MUST BE PICKED UPON ARRIVAL. this is what's available. please let me know asap if you want something. order will be placed by 8pm 5/23 so i would need to have anyones order in by 630pm
yellow tang M/L
12 $40
Flame Angel M
10 $35
Kole Tang S-M
4 $35
Moorish Idol
2 $45
Bartlett Anthias
20 $45
Dussumieri XL
1 $150
Goldflake Angel S
4 $290
Flame Wrasse Male
5 $250
Flame Wrasse Female
13 $100
Sailfin Tang L
1 $45
Racoon Butterfly S/M
1 $38
Auriga Butterfly M
5 $34
Ringtail Wrasse
1 $40
Christmas Wrasse Male
1 $40
Potters Wrasse Male
1 $46
Potters Wrasse S-M
2 $36
Pencil Wrasse Male
1 $38
Emperor Angel Orange Tail Adult XL
2 $750
Golden Puffer
2 $350
yellow tang M/L
12 $40
Flame Angel M
10 $35
Kole Tang S-M
4 $35
Moorish Idol
2 $45
Bartlett Anthias
20 $45
Dussumieri XL
1 $150
Goldflake Angel S
4 $290
Flame Wrasse Male
5 $250
Flame Wrasse Female
13 $100
Sailfin Tang L
1 $45
Racoon Butterfly S/M
1 $38
Auriga Butterfly M
5 $34
Ringtail Wrasse
1 $40
Christmas Wrasse Male
1 $40
Potters Wrasse Male
1 $46
Potters Wrasse S-M
2 $36
Pencil Wrasse Male
1 $38
Emperor Angel Orange Tail Adult XL
2 $750
Golden Puffer
2 $350