Multiple aquariums and equipment for sale (APEX Gear!)

I am taking a break from the hobby to get my company going and have already purchased my upgraded tank to move into when ready. I would like to clean house on all my unused equipment and aquariums. Make me an offer on whatever you would like. I would prefer 40 Gallon setup to stay together because of the plumbing layout. Great deals for someone wanting to try out the APEX system as I have moved away from it to simplify things a bit.

40 Gallon Breeder drilled and plumbed w/sump, cabinet, screen top and filter socks for sump
13 Gallon EVO all-in-one with 2 custom media holders for back compartments
8 Gallon Oceanic Biocube all-in-one
125 Gallon - Not drilled. Few small chips in corners. I bought this on craigslist when I moved here in 2018 to use as a sump but never filled it. It was filled when I bought it but recommend new seal

Coral Life Pure Flo 2 (50gpd) - Needs new filter media (Including RO Membrane)
Avast Marine Works Zeo Vibe 2L
Eclipse L Eshopps overflow box
Neptune Systems Aquacontroller - APEX
Neptune 832 power supply (2)
Neptune WXM controller module
Neptune ATK system
Neptune VDM controller module
Neptune AWM contoller module
Neptune NEP utility pump (2)
Neptune MPR - Magnetic probe rack
Neptune FMM controller module
Neptune solid surface leak detection probe, salinity, Ph, and thermometer probes

Lots of smaller things (Like 5g WECO jugs, Mr.Chilli jugs etc etc) I will let go for free to get it to someone that will use it rather than it ending up in the dump as well.


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I can't figure out how to get pictures on here.
As a non-member you need to host them on another site and then link them. One of the benefits of becoming a full member.
Although you should be able to add them to Convos I think.