I did pick up some interesting corals. After talking to multiple vendors and volunteering, you realize the hobby shows have really suffered to some extent because of the rise of online sales. Maybe I am just picky when it comes to finding interesting things, but there was a lot of coral there that I had felt I had seen before. Usually, my reasoning for going to shows is to find things I *haven't* seen before, or seen in a very long time, and so I did end up taking some nice pieces home that I had never seen before in the hobby. This included a specific type of Anthelia, a specific type of what I think is green Alveopora, Halymenia Stipitata, some solid green zoanthus that have the shape and appearance of magicians but are solid green, and a few acropora, and a red with gold tip cycloseris.
Overall I enjoyed the show and I felt it was larger than last year, but also, seeing what people are growing out and selling made me come to appreciate what I already have quite a bit more than prior to the show. The next step for me as far as finding unique things that I enjoy is probably going to involve travelling to more shows and networking with people, and buying a lot less coral, spending more time finding them in the first place.
I think that's actually pretty enjoyable, like a scavenger hunt.