Board Elections 2024


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@SynDen, since this seems like a fairly popular topic on the forum….could we nominate an additional Member At Large to fill the vacant seat. 1 year appointment, up for reelection next summer, fill all of the board seats?
No, we are intentionally leaving that MAL seats empty as there really is no longer a need for that many BOD members. The number that was originally put in was because the BOD at the time wanted to make MASC into a national show like MACNA, even though that was completely unrealistic. I wouldn't mind removing a 2nd MAL seat too, but for now we will see how it goes with 1 less. Either way, since we only do one small show a year, there really is no need for us to fill all the BOD seats


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Others can be nominated for the current MAL seats and then we will just have to do a run off election to determine who gets the seat


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@SynDen how would you feel about 3 mal members now. The way I see it if @Visualsnow acceptes that would give us 3 members in 3 key locations. Myself being northern visual being inbetween myself and @MuralReef. This gives us a good distance covered and could come in handy in the future with meetings in both areas Denver and Northen Colorado. Just a thought that I hope you will consider. As it sits we would have myself and @Dr.DiSilicate in northern Colorado and you and Mural in Denver with @JodiI in denver as well. Would be nice to have a middle point of longmont area covered. Also gives an additional BOD that can be apart of both areas meetings. I have some things in the works for new sponsors lined up that I am finalizing the details on that could be a huge addition to the club and spaces for events that cover northern colorado up to longmont area.

Just food for thought. I hope you understand the reasoning behind this.

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I accept the MAL nomination!
Good to hear. We will do the run off election for those 2 spots soon.

If anyone else has other nominations then get them in while you still have a chance.


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Good to hear. We will do the run off election for those 2 spots soon.

If anyone else has other nominations then get them in while you still have a chance.
@SynDen Were you able to look into doing a possible third or is your decision final on that.

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@SynDen Were you able to look into doing a possible third or is your decision final on that.

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As I said before, we are sticking with 2 MAL seats for this elections


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Thanks did not know if you had seen my previous statement or not. I appreciate the clarification.


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Nominations still open for 2 more days. If anyone else has anymore nominations then get them in now.


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When are you going to post the run off will it be a new thread with poll or how does that all work. Yesterday you said 2 days wanna make sure I dont miss anything is all.


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When are you going to post the run off will it be a new thread with poll or how does that all work. Yesterday you said 2 days wanna make sure I dont miss anything is all.
Ya, I will post a new thread with a poll later today