Bimac tank build


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
We need more octopus vids...

I just cleaned a filter sock the other day that was loaded with huge amphipods - if you find yourself running low at all, let me know. Maybe you have a good supply from your systems.
I would love some more! I have a tank set up just to try to breed and keep a continuous supply of them going. I can definitely get more videos. I'll be at Reef Stock on Saturday if you have some available?


M.A.S.C Club Member
OK let me check if I can wrangle up a bunch and will let you know... wish I'd kept them all the other day when I cleaned out the socks. Might be more in there by now.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Not to much to update, I still have all 5 baby's, they are all honing their Amphipod hunting skills. I've been somewhat successful with thawed mysis, but I think that's just when they are low on Amphipods. I'll try to get some more pictures/videos at one of the feedings this weekend.