Recent content by Dr.DiSilicate

  1. Dr.DiSilicate

    Bimac tank build

    Tidal gardens is using it the their whole facility. It’s super functional, strong, no rust! I don’t think it’s cheep though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Dr.DiSilicate

    February MASC Meeting - Chili Cook-Off @ Underwater Wonders - Feb. 1st @3:30pm

    Can’t wait for some deliciousness Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Dr.DiSilicate

    February MASC Meeting - Chili Cook-Off @ Underwater Wonders - Feb. 1st @3:30pm

    I just edited the title, 3:00 pm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Dr.DiSilicate

    WaterBox 220.6 The 2023 Rebuild

    You got the reef mat too?? Liking it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Dr.DiSilicate

    Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon

    It’s been going for 5? Weeks?? Not sure the log is correct. I think assuming one roll every 6 weeks would be reasonable to assume. It does a lot more on water change days than other days. The rolls are around $20 for this size. I also found the rolls on allli express for $5. Not sure on the...
  6. Dr.DiSilicate

    Diamond in the Rough

    Love me some pics brah Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Dr.DiSilicate

    Diamond in the Rough

    I bet you are ready to have things settle in and just enjoy! You have been busy with additions and changes lately. Did you use some old rock to get the tank started?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Dr.DiSilicate

    Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon

    Also, I think the snake oil may be a good thing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Dr.DiSilicate

    Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon

    It’s a good tool! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Dr.DiSilicate

    SteveT's 600Gs (tons of pics!!)

    What does your trace element regime look like? Are you using a general trace element system and then tweaking some specific stuff after the icp test? Or are you doing moonshiners? Not sure I’m going down that road but some sort of trace element dosing seems smart. I have mostly counted on water...
  11. Dr.DiSilicate

    Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon

    Here’s a pic or two of the back side… moves everything into a 100 gallon tub, thanks mural!, and organized the calcium reactor as well as the kalk reactor on a shelf. Much easier to get to! I also won a filter sock at reefstock!! This thing is great. Water clarity is much better, was thinking...
  12. Dr.DiSilicate

    Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon

    Thanks!! I really hope the acro frags take off. The center island is cool! I’d love to have it move to the right closer to where the huge space invader is… it’s currently hiding a really nice favia colony! The facia needs to be in a better spot or move to the little tank, I’m not sure it’ll...
  13. Dr.DiSilicate

    Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon

    The big tank was mostly restarted some months ago. A few of the old corals are still here. Just adding a collection of fancy new sticks. Super small, but bright, on the left side primarily. On a side note, anyone want a space invader?? lol This is the open scape, acro garden. My cell...
  14. Dr.DiSilicate

    Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon

    44 gallon satellite tank, this replaced a 20 gallon Nuvo. I have two small radion lights above it and a niro gyre moving water. Kinda my first lps only tank.
  15. Dr.DiSilicate

    Doc’s oops I did it again 200 gallon

    Great to put a face with the name! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk