Bimac tank build


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I had some requests to follow along with this build, so I'll do my best to update this build thread. I got into this hobby about 15 years ago, and one thing I have always wanted was to have a octopus tank, I think I have gathered enough experience over the years to make this happen. I'm looking at a Bimac and so far have acquired a Red Sea 525XL that was the victim of the what seems to be common seam failure, I will be resealing this and making it my display. I was also able to acquire a 40b that I will silicone baffles into for my sump, a used oversized skimmer which will be needed for the bio-load of an octopus, a Maxspect Jump 10k for the return, a 1/4hp chiller to make sure I can keep the tank down near 70°, about 100lbs of pukani rock, and thanks to winning a decent amount of money from one of the contests around Black Friday with BRS, the sand and all the other little items needed. I also scored all the 4040, 4080, and 40120 extrusion aluminum I need to build the stand from work for $40. I'll be working on the stand over the Christmas week. I also found a granite countertop for the top of the stand for $20 on market place, I'll need to cut it and I plan to live edge the showing edges, I'll see how that goes. 20241214_143213.jpg 20241214_143218.jpg 20241214_143228.jpg 20241214_143235.jpg 20241214_143244.jpg


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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Love this idea but what’s your plan for keeping it contained? Are you just planning to start with one or are you thinking of breeding them?


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
I’ve never looked into using extruded aluminum in the stand like that, I’m sure it’s fine but what does that stuff have for load rating?
Tidal gardens is using it the their whole facility. It’s super functional, strong, no rust! I don’t think it’s cheep though.

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Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Stand is finished,

I'm getting the back panel attached tomorrow and then I can move the stand into it's home in the house.

I also got the 40b sump finished, went smoother than anticipated with cutting of the glass so that was a bonus.

I was also able to get my cut edges on the granite top all polished out and it's ready to be mounted on the stand.

Next will be, getting the granite mounted on the stand, getting the front and side panels made, and getting the display tank resealed.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
That makes sense. My sump has zero baffles... so far it's working OK but wishing I'd put one in for mechanical filtration. Going to hang a filter sock below the return line for now.

Those silicone lines came out clean.
Thanks, they could be better but i hate working with silicone and just wanted to get it done.