Recent content by neil82

  1. neil82

    Black clown and coral banded shrimp

    No apology needed. I just hope your son is doing OK. I'll connect with you to coordinate another time.
  2. neil82

    MASC Annual Family BBQ and Garage sale September 7th 2024 11am-3pm

    Thanks for the bbq yesterday!
  3. neil82

    MASC Annual Family BBQ and Garage sale September 7th 2024 11am-3pm

    We are bringing potato chips and blue Gatorade.
  4. neil82

    Black clown and coral banded shrimp

    That's perfect! Thank you, see you there
  5. neil82

    Black clown and coral banded shrimp

    I'm interested in the clown. I'll be at the bbq on Saturday.
  6. neil82

    MASC Annual Family BBQ and Garage sale September 7th 2024 11am-3pm

    I'll swing by with wife and kid.
  7. neil82

    Let’s Get Tanked in Greeley! Oct. 21st 3-6pm

    Sounds like fun. I'll try to make it.
  8. neil82

    Quest Library RedSea XXL750

    I couldn't think of any good wrasse names... the wrasse with a checkered past was all I could come up with. Those names are waaaaay better
  9. neil82

    Quest Library RedSea XXL750

    Enquiring minds want to know- what did Mike name the checkerboard wrasse? Or maybe someone out there has a guess?
  10. neil82

    Refinishing Hardwood Floors

    Would it be possible to drape plastic from ceiling to create a barrier for tank area? I would also try to pull in fresh air from outdoors. Possibly cover tank to keep particulates out. Run carbon.
  11. neil82

    My 5 words you Continue - Part Deuce

    Happy holidays and new year!
  12. neil82

    5 gal ATO reservoir

    Bump. I'll be at the club event on 11/12 if anyone needs this.
  13. neil82

    MASC information

    Welcome! The event on Nov 12th is a great chance to meet people and find out more about the club, if you're able to attend. This club is smaller group of folks that are friendly and helpful. If you need something or have questions, ask away!
  14. neil82

    5 gal ATO reservoir

    Bump. Still have this.