Search results

  1. MuralReef

    WaterBox 220.6 The 2023 Rebuild

    Back in December you may recall us asking for help moving the tank. The spot for the tank was ready but at the time the rest of the house was still the priority. Now that we’ve reached a stopping point there we can focus on the tank. We recently got the water change and RO set up in the garage...
  2. MuralReef

    Free Frag Flat

    This was a freebie we picked up in Ft. Collins and never got around to setting it up. It is 48”x48”x12”. It has a corner overflow and is drilled. It is glass and somewhat heavy. Free to a good home! Sent from my iPhone using MASC - Marine Aquarium Society of Colorado
  3. MuralReef

    Free Red Sea 450 XL

    This is tank and stand only. I do have the overflow kit and plumbing but no sump. It was free to me so it’s free you. It is heavy bring a pal to help. Need it gone by Labor Day no place for it in the new house so no need to move it. Sent from my iPhone using MASC - Marine Aquarium Society of...