Search results

  1. kchristensen8064

    Free UV Sterilizer

    Okay, thank you. I rarely drive to Denver and have no current plans to head that direction. Thanks.
  2. kchristensen8064

    Free UV Sterilizer

    Where are you located?
  3. kchristensen8064

    WTB Monti cap near Ft. Collins.

    They only had orange, I got some of that from them.
  4. kchristensen8064

    WTB Monti cap near Ft. Collins.

    Does anyone have any purple Monti cap near Ft Collins? I have green and orange/red now, but would love a purple as well.
  5. kchristensen8064

    Red Sea 525XL (for parts)

    I'm interested. How much are you looking for? Do you have any pictures of the tank? Where are you located? Whats wrong with the stand?
  6. kchristensen8064

    WTB Monti cap near Ft. Collins.

    Awesome, let me know when you are available.
  7. kchristensen8064

    WTB Monti cap near Ft. Collins.

    I'm definitely interested in a frag of both. How much are you looking for?
  8. kchristensen8064

    WTB Monti cap near Ft. Collins.

    Anyone have any Monti cap frags that they are wanting to sell?
  9. kchristensen8064

    Tank Breakdown

    What are you asking for the tank? What are the dimensions?
  10. kchristensen8064

    WTB Stomatellas

    I'm just looking for 3-4, I'm willing to pay for them. Anybody?
  11. kchristensen8064

    WTB Stomatellas

    Still looking, I'd love just a few to get a population going.
  12. kchristensen8064

    WTB Sinularia Leather

    Awesome I'll get you one of each. Are you available tomorrow?
  13. kchristensen8064

    WTB Sinularia Leather

    Yes, that is okay, I have some hammer and octospawn corals, would those interest you?
  14. kchristensen8064

    WTB Sinularia Leather

    I would be interested in both, what would you be asking for a frag of each?
  15. kchristensen8064

    WTB Sinularia Leather

    Anybody have any frags they are looking to part with? Let me know what you have.
  16. kchristensen8064

    Looking for Phyto

    Is there anyone up north (Ft. Collins) that cultures there own Phyto, and produces more than they can use? I used to culture my own with a lot of success a couple of years ago and I've started up again, but cannot seem to get any cultures to take. Not sure whats different this time, but I...
  17. kchristensen8064

    TOTM July to August

    This is the best one I have right now.