I suppose I'm due for an update, not that there is much to tell. I am waiting to get lights for the 180, so the 72 is trucking along FULL of corals waiting to go into a much bigger tank. The 180 is cycled and I started adding fish several months ago. I am, however, stocking very slowly because I'm poor. I mean patient. Yeah, patient. Anyway, the current inhabitants are:
1 white tail bristletooth tang
3 lyretail anthias (M/F/F)
1 midas blenny
2 dragonface pipefish
Why no pictures of my beautiful bristletooth tang? Because he's a giant wuss and hides if I'm there with the camera. Actually, Wednesday was the first day he didn't hide when I walked into the living room. Baby steps for my wuss of a tang. Pics when I can get them.
My current plans for the tank, in no particular order are:
-Get lights (radion pros, I think, but one at a time so I can still eat and stuff)
-Plumb in the 20 tall that's under my tank for a qt/frag tank (sits next to the sump, going to house an ATS and frags someday, but starting as a qt. Possible to twist two valves and completely disconnect with the system in case I need to run hypo)
-Make an ATS to go into the tank, planning on doing one undersized for my system and using it in conjunction with a skimmer, macros and dosing pumps to keep my chemistry lovely. I'm never getting rid of my skimmer, because surfactants are sweet and totally different chemically than the nutrients used by an ATS.
-Add fish - Current list - trio of spotbreast angels, copperbanded butterfly, yasha goby, pearly jawfish, purple tang, lieutenant tang, regal tang, pair of clowns, coris wrasse and mandarin (last two from the 72) I'm hoping that's not too many. Obviously that's not the order I'll add them in.
-Finally move over my corals. There are a lot. Here's some pics from the 72.