Wow timnem, thanks for the warm welcome. 1. I have done plunty of research and reading prior to recieving this tank, plus communicating with others who have salt water tanks aquiring charts and general knowledge. 2. This is not my first fish tank, i have had a 150 gallon freshwater tank for over 8 years, so yes they are very different ecosystems, but proper care of animals should not be in question. 3. My question to u is what powers a protein skimmer?... A power head, my tank has a total of 2 power heads, 1 to power the flow of water to the hang on protein skimmer, and a 2nd power head to add current to the tank which is on a timer to cycle to simulate a tide, all that info was listed in the original post 4. Is not the purpose of a open community forum such as this one, to discuss and exchange knowledge of common hobby or interest? Yea thats what i thought. 5. Other forum members in this group have incouraged the asking of questions, where u seem to just critisize someone with out correctly read the information. So thanks for all your help in reading theads for newbies and introductions!!