55 reef RIP


M.A.S.C Club Member
Man that's tough when it happens! But what try's to knock you down will only make you stronger!! I have posted a few frags for dbtc pm if interested !


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks everyone. She is done with it. Heartbroken. She wants to get rid of all her tanks and equipment. So sad.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Oh man Carole and Mike, I am so sorry to hear and see this!!! Soon as you are balanced again def grab me because I will get you guys some zoas and some softies stuff I have to get it back up and rocking!!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
That just hurts to hear about.

Any idea what happened in this case?

I ask so maybe your lose can help prevent something else like this in the future. I am still pretty new to this, so is this something that just happens in a big move sometimes?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry to hear!

Let me know when the tank is ready for coral again; I have some montis and birdsnest I can frag and send your way.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Blindrage;281192 said:
That just hurts to hear about.

Any idea what happened in this case?

I ask so maybe your lose can help prevent something else like this in the future. I am still pretty new to this, so is this something that just happens in a big move sometimes?
No idea. Tank was 2 feet away from other tank. Did a 50% water change on 55g tank earlier in week and another 30% on friday...All was looking great. Kept that water from the water changes in the new 90g along with new water that had been mixed for 36 hours. Water was pretty much the same in each tank. Got everything moved over to 90g and finished up around 12:30 am fish looked good, corals, nems and zoas all looked happy. Went to bed and got up around 4:45 am and went to check on them with a flashlight and all the fish were dead and tank was super cloudy and smelled really bad. All sps and lps were white sketons. Crabs, snails and clams were all dead. I really don't know what happened unless the big nems spawned because of the new water and water changes.