75 gallon beginner's build


Turbo Snail
I'm not really starting this thread to show anything off. I'm fairly embarrassed of my tank but I am hoping that being open to some criticism will help guide and direct me at least.

When I was 17 my parents got me this 75 gallon tank and stand. I grew up with lots of tropical tanks in the house. When it was my turn to have my own tank I went the African Cichlid route after a 1 year stint with Tiger Oscars. I did very well at raising Cichlids. After several years I decided to put the tank away. There it sat until this past November. After watching Tank with the family we all got amped to take what we had and get a reef tank going. My son helped me sand the oak tank stand and stain it a dark espresso color. We painted the back glass a medium blue. We bought 40lbs of fine white Bahama sand. We then filled it with tap water....ugh, I know.

Second step we threw a few chunks of uncured live rock and some chaeto in to help seed and start cycling. Through out November and December we slowly added more live rock and a CUC after the ammonia and nitrate levels dropped. After that we added two peppermint shrimp and a Diamond Watchman goby who jumped to his death about a month later. Before he died we got 2 small False Percs. After a few weeks we added more CUC and LED lights. Then one of the Peppermint shrimp died. After several more weeks we added a sandsifting star and a Mandarin. Several more weeks and we add a small Blue Hippo Tang and a bit of metallic green GSP. A few more weeks and we add more CUC. Few more weeks we add some zoanthids and a porcelain crab. Several more weeks and we add 2 small Banggai cardinals and a rock full of mushrooms. A few more weeks we add a cleaner shrimp and some rock (dead). At this point we have 72lbs of rock.

At this point one of our clowns who always slept on the sand dies. She had all the other fish sleeping on the sand too. When she died they all went back to sleeping elsewhere. We buy another small clown and a royal gramma. A few weeks later we bought a nice Frogspawn for the tank. At this point our fish start slowly dying off. They were all eating good then all of a sudden one of them would start having issues swimming, their fins would start to disintegrate and then they'd die. First it was one of the cardinals, then the newest perc, then the royal gramma, then the other cardinal, then the other perc. Everything looked to stabilize at this point. We only had the tang and mandarin left. Then the mandarin started to lose his color. One night he looked dead and I tried to fish him out and he took off all fast. He was eating the next morning. About 2 weeks later he died and he even ate the entire time. Then the Starfish died (arms slowly disintegrated and fell off on one arm).

Now we're left with our Hippo tang. She never lost a step and is beautiful. We were feeding once a day and since about 2 months ago I started feeding every other day. I feed frozen brine and Roger's Reef food, defrost, pour through strainer and only feed the food. All food is gone in 3-4 minutes. I also feed a 1/2" by 3" strip of nori 2-3 times a week.

So here is how it currently sits:

Inhabitants: Blue Hippo Tang, peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, porcelain crab, 3 turbo snails, 2 Astrea snails, 1 small round snail, 2 Nassarius snails

Corals: green mushrooms, GSP, Frogspawn, zoanthids (some are green some are orangish red, on on same rock)

Tank: 75 gallon glass

Filtration: 72 lbs of live rock, (2) AC 300's HOB w/ live rock rubble, Reef Octopus BH-2000 HOB skimmer, old AC 402 powerhead

Lighting: Aqueon 48" Modular LED, all white with 4 blue moonlights

Maintenance: I change 10 gallons of water 2 times a month, I use kalk in my top off. Lights are on from 9am - 8pm, moonlights are on 7am - 9am and 8pm-10pm. As of December / January I started using RO for all water changes and top off. Before that it was tap water.


Turbo Snail
A few days before ReefFest I ordered the skimmer. My nitrates were 160ppm or greater. Right now they are 40ppm and I have brown and some red algae on the sand. One part of the red algae turned black. I am skimming pretty wet right now so I can get rid of whatever I can.

I originally had all of the rock work laid out like a wall. I was inspired to change it after looking through the Tankscape contest thread. Now I have two little islands with no rock touching glass.



Turbo Snail
So, I am still in the beginning stages. Plans are to get a sump under the stand so I can add some live rock and chaeto, more water and then put the heaters and skimmer in there. I also need to get better lights and some newer style powerheads to get water movement in the tank.

After I can prove to myself I can keep fish, inverts and coral alive and well with no nitrates then I'll think about upgrading to a bigger tank.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: 75 gallon beginner's build

I would assume you know your nitrates are pretty high. We'd be glad to help you out. I can't right this second, but I will gladly help when I get back


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: 75 gallon beginner's build

I really like the rescape! Overall, I would aim for getting more flow in your tank. The high nitrates may have been caused by allowing detritus to collect in dead spots...or the dry rock you added.

That additional rock could have had plenty organic material stuck to it...when you add that to your tank you can easily introduce phosphates as well as an ammonia source to the tank. The established bacteria does consume that waste and convert it to nitrates...but you can still end up with a mini-cycle due to the addition of dead rock to the system.

It sounds like your fish may have fallen victim to fin rot...which is generally caused by poor water quality. Depending on how soon you pulled the dead fish out...each death could easily contribute to the string of fish deaths you saw, as they further pollute the water. I'd put my money on the dry rock causing an ammonia/nitrite spike that caused the tank to go downhill. :(

Maybe do weekly water changes to see if that helps keep your nitrates in check, and add fish slowly once the nitrates get down to where you want them (definitely below 10 or so for coral), and once you get things going...try to avoid adding/replacing rock. I've learned from that mistake as well. ;)


Turbo Snail
Thanks for the info. The dry rock was almost bleached white. It has really big holes instead of being more porous like Fiji rock. I am not sure it was ever live or in the ocean at all. I bought it at a LFS from a box.

When the fish were dying I was able to get them out immediately. Some I fished out and flushed before they died.

Everything is doing a lot better now, except my sand bed. As the nitrates dropped the frogspawn opened more and more. We aren't going to add any other fish until nitrates are near zero. I think I may need more CUC. What do you think? 8 snails and 2 shrimp. The porcelain crab really does nothing but filter feed inside a cave.


Turbo Snail
I see that, while I have pumps circulating my tanks water about 1100 gph, I really have no flow in the tank. Next purchase is a couple of good new powerheads. I am leaning toward the Hydor Koralias. Hopefully I can get them soon....


Turbo Snail
Went to Aquamart for the first time today. Cool place! We got a Sicce Voyager 2 (800gph) powerhead. Just put it in and it's blasting away some of the algae on the sand bed already. I also bought a Red Sea product that will help lower the NO3 too. I still need to buy one more Powerhead as this one takes care of about half the tank.


Turbo Snail
I converted both of my HOB Aquaclear filters to refugiums today. I got some chaeto from Craigar and I just need to find a cheap lighting solution since this is all temporary til I get a sump going.

Update on my system: nitrates are below 10ppm now and phosphates are around .10. Sand bed is clearing up. We added an emerald crab as well. The other day I noticed what I believe to be an abalone crawling by my zoas. Been seeing tons more bugs and my corals seem a lot happier too. Still need to get another Sicce Voyager 2 for the other end of the tank.
I want to show off the anemone I got from Aquatic Art last Saturday. Things have been going awesome for my tank and I got tired of seeing my clowns get disappointed every night when the frogspawn I had went to sleep and they lost their "home". After much thought I decided to get a RBTA. I figured their price was going to be on a nano sized anemone but when I got there this thing was huge and beautiful. I have 14k white LED's with no blues (yet) so the pics may not seem that cool to some of you. I have 4 blue moonlights on my light so the second pic is just under those 4 LEDs. Crappy cell phone pics....anyway, the nem is doing awesome and my clowns are just starting to get over their fear of it.




Turbo Snail
I moved my tank from an area that faced west / southwest that used to be my office to a smaller room that is now my office with a window that faces north. I always liked the idea of having a tank in my office area as it gives me a way to de-stress during those long, boring conference calls.

I did the move, with my wife's help, in about 3 hours. I was going to throw my sand out and I had bought some new CaribSea live sand but after talking with a few members of MASC I decided to wash my existing sand (my tank is less than 1 year old and the sand bed was only 1/2" thick). I still added 40lbs of new CaribSea live sand to my existing 50lbs. I had bare spots before but now I have a good 2-2.5" all around. All the fish, shrimp, crabs, snails, corals and anemone survived the move just fine. My only fault was that the temp housing I used for my corals and fish had the heater too close to my frogspawn. It looks like it melted half of one head after touching for only a few minutes. Hope it grows back or heals.

Other than that I used all the same live rock and water that was in the tank. I changed the scape a bit to accommodate the anemone and keep him in his own little island area. My clowns went from hosting my frogspawn to hosting the anemone after the change. I also set my skimmer to skim a little more just in case I have any issues.