Another LED buy...


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok, they wrote me back and said we could get 30blue:25white or 35blue:20white(those are the two ratios I asked about). I believe the 30b:25w will be just over 14k and the 35b:20w will be a little shy of 20k(used similar fixtures that list their color to come up with the kelvin numbers). I would prefer the 30b:25w because I intend to have a strip of blue for moonlight and run that all the time. If anyone has a preference, put it in the thread. I would prefer to pick one ratio, so we don't have an issue. There is 16 days left on the listing. I would like to place the order by Thursday the 21st. That way they get it the 22nd in China and the fixtures should be ready to ship around the 1st of August.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I am good either way 14k, or 20k, I have Blue LED moonlight strip that I can use as well.
Depending on the color might keep 2 of my t5's to add more white or blue depending on the look


looks like you might hit the 10 marker. if you do that I will take one for sure. don't care on the ratio. I will try and follow this thread but I head out on vaca next tuesday so might not have access to the internet.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok, So I think what I would like to do is order the 30b:25w(14k) and if someone else wants to do 35b:20w(20k) then go for it. I am still cautious that they will come 30w:25b(12k) as listed which I could live with but would make 20k buyers really upset. I want to make this as simple as possible for them and if we start mixing ratios, who knows what we will get. Right now I have the requests listed below.

30b:25w 14k

35b:20w 20k


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I emailed the supplier. We will see what they say.

Yes shipping was free before. I always select free shipping so I don't have to pay attention to the shipping costs.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
If I cannot get them through this supplier. I will be on the hunt for another.


M.A.S.C Club Member
What happend, the hear that a bunch of us were going to get a number of em and figure they can make a killing off of us?
Keep us posted, thats a pretty substantial price increase


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
No dice with the supplier. They offered $166/unit, but I am inclined to look for another supplier. I don't like the fact that they suddenly changed the price on it once I showed interest.


M.A.S.C Club Member
still cheaper than most of the others, but at the same time its BS that they did that. thats still a pretty good increase. 120 more if your getting 2