Babys and Reef tanks


M.A.S.C Club Member
#21 kids know better than to go near my tank

i like it when they learn what stuff is but they could cause to much damage for me to really trust them around it

my son used to love watching it when he was a baby though

almost anything you need for your tank is dangerous to kids so please lock it all up somewhere else ...i thought the kids medicine (with the child locks) was safe on the top self of their medicine cabinet ...uhh ...long story but keep your fish stuff outta reach please
I'm loving these stories... and I will be sure to put all the fish stuff in a lock box that shocks kids if they get to close and seround that with an electric rinse

Sent from phone.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
My 2 year old daughter loves to look at the fish. She could care less about the corals, but I hope that'll change eventually. I agree with Don though, watch where you put stuff. Even while working on the tank watch where you put stuff. If I'm not paying attention my daughter grabs things and runs.


M.A.S.C Club Member
See I also have to hide my stuff. However mine is more like this.

Dad: Haley give me that reef food I bought the other day.
Haley: Dad that was like 2 weeks ago, I don't know where it is.
Dad: Haley BS give it to me.
haley: Dad really I don't know where it is.
Dad: "grumbling" I will get it my self. 110 main display not here, 125 primarly fowler damn not here either. 70 gallon frag tank crap where is that damn food. Haley's tank nope no food. Hanna's tank, crap there is my "empty bottle of food" HANNA !!!!!!!!!!!
Hanna: Dad Haley used it and just asked me to keep it here. I really did not know it was empty !!!!!!!!!!

Moral of the story hide all your stuff from kids no matter how big or small !!!!!!

cdrewferd;139272 said:
My 2 year old daughter loves to look at the fish. She could care less about the corals, but I hope that'll change eventually. I agree with Don though, watch where you put stuff. Even while working on the tank watch where you put stuff. If I'm not paying attention my daughter grabs things and runs.


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Go to parent baby swim lessons as soon as she or he is old enough, it is amazing how fast and how comfortable they are in water, oh wait, they were just in water for 9 months lol. Really it is great, go start them early with swimming.


M.A.S.C Club Member
This is a great thread! I myself dont have kids....yet..... however in high school my good friend's Dad had a reef tank and he used to point out all the different corals and fish too me ... he would let me help him clean the tank etc...I was hooked! Since the age of 3 my parents have been taking us to the beach namely Carlsbad, CA for vacation. While in CB, we would make a trip to Catalina every year for 20+ years to go snorkeling needless to say my passion for the ocean and just being around these beautiful creatures drove me to build my first reef back 8 years ago. I cannot wait to share this amazing hobby with my kids in the future. Its such an enriching educational experience for everyone involved and its a GREAT way to bond with your kids!
I have 3 kids (5 yrs, 2 yrs and almost 8 months) and all of them have grown up around the tank. The biggest thing I think is to make sure everything is child proofed. Other than that my kids love the tank. My 2 year old and my 8 month old would only sleep in the same room as the tank for several months when they first came home. All of them are mesmerized by it and love to help when they can with feeding pellets etc. Even building a stand for the new tank, any little thing to get them involved and interested.

Kids are always interested in what's going on though, so if anything is accessible or left out expect them to be into it.

Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dont get me started on kids...... i have 4 total, 2 boys n 2 girls. Ages are 5, 4 and 2x 2 years old. All i can say is holy crap is it fun!!! :) Hmmmm fish tanks, i have had packing peanuts, m&m's, money, toys and even a shoe put in my tank so if you ask any of my children what happens if you touch daddy's fish tank the response will be" he will break my fingers." Other than that they love the tank and thrive on the knowledge that comes from it.
Luckily my current tank is on a very tall stand and far from little fingers, but back when my middle child was about 3, we tried like heck to keep a 29g freshwater tank. My son so wanted to be helpful, and he was adept at working those fancy child-proof locks. He once caught a fish and loved it to death. Another time, he fed the tank his playdoh. That was the end of those guys, but really colorful. Another: we left the fish food within reach and he dumped in an entire coke-can sized jar of flakes. We sort of gave up on fish after that til he was older. He was loving them to death.