kids know better than to go near my tank
i like it when they learn what stuff is but they could cause to much damage for me to really trust them around it
my son used to love watching it when he was a baby though
almost anything you need for your tank is dangerous to kids so please lock it all up somewhere else ...i thought the kids medicine (with the child locks) was safe on the top self of their medicine cabinet ...uhh ...long story but keep your fish stuff outta reach please
i like it when they learn what stuff is but they could cause to much damage for me to really trust them around it
my son used to love watching it when he was a baby though
almost anything you need for your tank is dangerous to kids so please lock it all up somewhere else ...i thought the kids medicine (with the child locks) was safe on the top self of their medicine cabinet ...uhh ...long story but keep your fish stuff outta reach please