Back with a new tank


M.A.S.C Club Member
As some of you may know, I got out of the hobby in about July of last year. I tore down my 40B and sold everything.

Well I got the itch again after reading threads and seeing the tanks on here, so I decided to give it a whirl again. I'm starting with a 20L with an AC50, koralia 425 powerhead(hoping to add one more) the love rock and sand, and a 2x150w MH setup. I picked the tank up tonight, got it setup and running and am just hoping to get rid of the chocolate chip starfish so I can start adding corals.

The one thing I couldn't get to work was the moonlights on the fixture, so I decided to try just a rope light on eBay, because I like looking at tanks at night.

I only have one cloudy pic from tonight with the moonlights on, but I will try to snap some more tomorrow, because the pictures do the talking right?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Back with a new tank

Subscribed. :)

Check out some DIY threads on converting that AC50 into a fuge...I'm extremely happy with the one I made for my 20. If you make it to NW Denver sometime you can check out my little setup and take some corals home for the new tank.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Back with a new tank

Got some pictures this morning, I don't have the MH on a timer yet so it will be manual until I have time to pick one up. The scape is really close to the way Jahmic had it, because that's the way I really liked it.
This is how it turned out

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Back with a new tank

Wow nice purple rock man!!! And welcome back to the addiction :D


M.A.S.C Club Member
Back with a new tank

Thank you!! Jahmics girlfriends tank was full of coraline, which made me ecstatic!! Cuts down the cycle time quite a bit!

Now just need to get rid of the starfish... Haha


M.A.S.C Club Member
So its been a few weeks since I've done anything with the tank, but I did quite a bit yesterday. I had purchased a 20L at petco's $1/gallon sale, and I bought some krylon and painted the back and one side black to make the colors POP! I also bought two new fish yesterday, a wild caught ocellaris clown, and a lawnmower blenny, but I guess the firefish did not approve, and leapt to his death. I also just basically reversed the scape of the rocks, only because I wasn't paying attention and mixed it up, but I kind of like it. Also added a koralia 425 nano powerhead.

In the last week I bought a 10 gallon tank to use as a sump, and I got some free acrylic from Lowes that was scrap, and I bought an acrylic cutter and went to town on it. The sump will be a 3 chamber setup, for a TINY skimmer (I didn't think it through lol) a fuge, and then a chamber for the return pump. I just bought my overflow box from SAMAZA and I got it all plumbed today, just waiting for my return pump, which will be a rio1700.

I am hoping to start getting corals in soon, just don't have the money right now so I am selling off my excess stuff, so someone please buy it haha.

Anyways, here are the pictures:


I cant find the link i had used for the AC70 mod, but i ended up ditching the whole mod anyway. Basically you cut up the grey plastic tray that sits in the filter, silicon one side in the chamber next to the pump/u-tube to create a big chamber. Then silicon another piece of the grey tray to the return "ramp" that goes into the display, creating a gate so nothing can escape the chamber. I found that the "gate" was too restrictive and water overflowed the part where the u tube entered the chamber. What i ended up with is a small piece of eggcrate blocking the "ramp" for increased flow while still retaining chaeto in the chamber. and thats it.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Back with a new tank

Picked up an ocean wave duo for the tank, so far I'm liking it. Running my two koralia nanos on it and it appears to be working well. I will get some picture sometime next week when I have things to add


M.A.S.C Club Member
Back with a new tank

Stopped by jahmics today and got some corals, but I already forgot what they are haha. So names would be great. I know you told me Jahmic but I can't remember which is which.
Terrible picture but here they are on the right of this picture

Sorry for the awful pictures, all I have is an iPhone...


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Back with a new tank


Pic 1: bam bams, fire and ice
Pic 2: radioactive dragon eyes
Pic 4: devil's armor (couldn't remember the name when you were here)
Pic 5: alien explosions

Glad to see they all opened right up for you :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Back with a new tank

Update time! I just purchased a non dimmable 120w led for $80 today. It is a 1:1 ratio but that is ok with me! I got it going and it is currently 14 inches off the water. I also picked up another ocellaris clown. I like him because he is a little more dirty colored than the other, easier to tell them apart besides the size of course.
Here's the newest member:

New light:

They're getting along!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Back with a new tank

So just am update, the clown I had bought decided it didn't want to eat so he bit the dust.... So I picked up a pair of clowns a few days ago. I couldn't get my single out to move him to the 10 gallon because I didn't want to move rock so I kept him in there and there has been no fighting whatsoever. So I will be keeping him.

I also picked up an AC70 from j.guokas that is now my "fuge" but for now it is just chaeto. I will be getting a skimmer too hopefully soon because my GHA is out of hand, and I need to pick up a new test kit as mine expired.
Hopefully will be loading it with corals because I am working again and making money to feed my expensive hobbies so it should start to fill up in the coming months
