Badge questions for the BOD?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I noticed that my badge said supporter not member? What the change?

I the past if you're were a supporter the badge would say supporting member only if you donated your $25. I have not so I should be a member? Right? Please clarify.
Or are we going back to the old way that you are only a member if one pays dues?

Martin M

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CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Martin, we are in process of discussing the badge change from member to supporter. There is a BOD meeting tomorrow to discuss and vote on the potential change tomorrow. However I pulled the trigger to run a trial to see if there was any initial feedback but will be turning it back to members badge until voted and dicussed by all board memmbers at the board meeting tomorrow.

Again the badge was changed too early, and will be changed back to member yet today. We will all keep you posted on the results of the discussions and vote by the board should there be any changes to report.
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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thank for the clarification Chad. Please let us know what the board decides.

I have a few suggestions but I will wait to see what the BOD comes up with before I go all in.

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