Blindrage upgrade Build


M.A.S.C Club Member
As some know from some earlier posts of mine, I am upgrading tanks from a 90 gallon to a 150 gallon. Since the build threads seem to be popular around here I thought I would start one on this new build... hopefully it will also allow others to throw in comments if I start to make a really boneheaded move during the build.

So to begin: I took down my 90 gallon last night. Two clownfish and two cleaner shrimp are currently living in about 20 gallons of water in a brute container. They are sharing the new space with all of the CuC I could find, which seems to be most of the crew that was in the tank. I am sure a few snails are still hanging out on the rock that is in storage with good water flow, so if there are no crush incidents they should find their way into the final tank as well.

Chris from Aquatic Art will be delivering the new 150 on either Wednesday or Thursday night depending on his manpower schedule. I will take some pictures of things when I get home this evening in their current state, and try to remember to document with pictures as things move along.

Since everyone seems to be doing fine in the Brute, I am going to use the time to fix up some mistakes I made while setting up the 90. My aquascaping was not great, I used clear tubing in the under-cabinet area, and my DIY refugium was not as easy to get in-and-out of as I would like.

Equipment currently on-hand for this build:
150 Gallon Saffire fronted glass tank with beautiful stand and hood. This is a major upgrade in size and appearance from the simple black stand on the 90, and the main reason the wife got excited enough to buy a new tank after having the 90 for only 1.5 months.

Reeflo Dart external return pump, 40 gallon three-section sump, ASM-G3 skimmer, Apex controller, Vortech MP40, 2 Tunze 6105 powerheads, light fixture with 4 T5 bulbs and 2 MH, and 130 gallons of freshly made RODI-salt water spread around the house in every available container. Then there are all the pieces and parts of associated hardware for the plumbing and wiring job.

Pics to follow over the next few days.


M.A.S.C Club Member
As promised, some pics of the process.

90 Gallon during the breakdown.

Water ready, wife ticked. Check!

New tank in place. Now this all goes where exactly?

Time for some Aquascaping

Finally filled. The rockwork is going to need some cleaning up, but not today.

Wait, which one is the real Nemo Dad?

The only issue left is getting the Apex working with everything and working on some of the wiring in the light fixture. Chris did warn me that the moonlights had something lose, but that is a minor issue to be fixed during a future weekend.

For now, the clowns and the shrimp seem to be very happy with their new home. I need to add more rock to cover the PVC the rockwork is hanging from better, and of course I need to stock the tank over the next year. It feels like I completed something this weekend, but in reality it has all just begun.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Looking sweet keep us posted for any upgrades/changes on your build.
I'll take that poor neglected 90g off your hands, lol. Subscribing!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Good_GReef;273241 said:
I'll take that poor neglected 90g off your hands, lol. Subscribing!
That is the next item on the agenda. I need to get it cleaned up and listed.

Just like everyone else, I would like to sell it as a package, but I would be willing to look at parting it out.

It has:
90 gallon glass tank with drilled bottom overflow with glass lids
Choice between 2 ~25ish gallon wet/dry sump with bio-balls
Choice between a couple of in-sump pumps.
4 bulb 48" T5 fixture with one channel white and one channel actinic

As soon as the new trim piece comes in I will also have a 72 gallon bow front with one of the wet/dry sumps and one of the pumps.

I have no idea how to price either one, except based on what I paid for them. Both were used. The 72 gallon from Fish Den, and the trim broke while filling the first time. The 90 gallon was from Fanti-Sea, and was up and running in their shop and again at my home long enough to cycle and drop a couple of fish in before I upgrade to bigger!


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Lol looks like it was a fish night :p Setting up tank and watching finding nemo. If you had a beer in your hand it was a complete fish night :p


M.A.S.C Club Member

Well I probably went a little nuts, but I blame it mostly on my wife. I will get some new pics up as soon as I can.

I have added a little more rock to the mix, and am still sculpting another medium size piece to add in the next week or so. The biggest change is livestock, and that is where I have probably moved a little too fast. All the new additions seem to be doing very well, but it will be a month or more before I add anything else since this stuff went in so quickly.

At the monthly meeting on Oct 20th I picked up a Lawn Mower Blenny. Great little guy, and I am amazed at just how quickly he cleaned all the rock in the tank of the diatom bloom that was going on. The little guy had better eat some of the other food I am adding, or he will most likely have to be moved out before he starves. I really did not expect him to do such a great job in just over a week.

After getting some good advice during that meeting I decided not to add any hard corals. Instead I bought all the necessary test kits to add hard, picked up some DBTC stuff from ShaunV, and got a couple of impressive deals on equipment some of you other guys had laying around. Shaun passed along some GSP, Pulsing Xenia, another Xenia that I am trying to get an ID on, and some Teal Zoas. I also bought a few different types of Zoas from AA that day.

Move forward one week, and on the 26th my wife and I were out running around picking up a new bed off Craig's List for our 2.5yr old. We were not far from AA, and I needed to check to see if I had dropped my keys around there the weekend before anyway... so we dropped in to see Cris again. It is at this point, must have been when my back was turned, that I believe aliens replaced my wife with a pod person.

No one turned in my keys, so I was out of luck there, but as long as we were in AA it would have been a crime against reef-manity to not look around a bit. It was at the point that the pod person that looked like my wife made its presence known. The pod was asking Cris all kinds of questions, mostly about a couple of Tangs, but also about some corals. Over the course of the next hour the pod just kept picking things she liked to go home with us. I stood in amazement at the variety, and mounting price tag, of the things she liked. This could not be my real wife, and I made a firm decision to look into the matter of her abduction right after I got all these new items into the tank.

The final list of items added this day were:
1 Yellow Tang, 1 Naso Tang, Superman Monti, Red Planet Acro, bright Green Zoa, a frag of the really deep blue Acro Cris has in his DT in the shop, 2 types of Acan, a war coral, a different varity of GSP then what ShaunV gave me, and a bright green coral that Cris warned me would win every single fight if placed near the other corals.

A couple of MASC members were also nice enough to pass along some DBTA macro-algae during this same weekend. I picked up some Chaeto, Dragon's Breath, and some red grape algea. All added the the fuge for now. The Dragon's Breath will move into the DT once it grows out enough to split it. That way if anything in the DT takes a liking to eating it I will have a backup.

It was also at this point that I hopefully learned the lesson to write down the name of stuff I added to the tank. It would be much more helpful if I did not call something a "bright green zoa" and could instead use a name someone else might recognize in the future. So rest assured that the pictures to be added in the near future will make clear what I really added.

I also know that I have added stock way too fast, but it is a large tank with virtually perfect numbers. I also know that I committed a major crime by not having any of this stuff go through a QT, but since everything new came from AA I decided to take the risk. As stated earlier, no new stock will be added for a long time, and nothing will every be added again that does not go through QT. Hopefully I will not be askign advice on how to cure something I added in the meantime. The good nes is that all the zoas have fully opened, all the corals have extended, all the fish are eating, and the only hitchhikers I have found so far are a couple of feather dusters on the base of the war coral (which I am happy to have).

So in conclusion: pictures to follow; apparently the aliens were done with whatever experiemts they were doing on my wife and have taken their pod person back; and I will administer 30 lashes with a wet noodle to myself for moving so quickly and adding directly to the DT.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I forgot, there is also a new Bird's Nest bought from AA the same day as the rest of the corals in there.

That is all, please return to you normally scheduled activities.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Update Pictures

Well the first thing I learned is that I need a macro lens for my camera, and the second was that I really need to upgrade my photo taking and editing skillset.

Anyway, here are some pics out of the tank.

This is the bright green zoa I mentioned, still not sure of the official name on them. The SPS is a Cali Tort.



M.A.S.C Club Member
More Pics

This pics has three corals in it. The pulsing xenia is up front. To the left is the red planet, and in the background is the vicious green stuff that I do not have a good name for.


I believe this is an Acan of some type. When it is not being all fuzzy it a blue and orange, so I think it is a Broncos' fan.

Another Acan? It gets small clear feelers right at the border of the white and colored areas. This is about the best picture I took of the tank since the colors are fairly accurate on this one.

Basic GSP, but for some reason I really like this stuff.


M.A.S.C Club Member
These really did not come out very well, but I am going to post them anyway.

I think this one is a war coral. The bright area in the canyons is almost fluorescent green. In the foreground are the teal palys that ShaunV passed along.

Hard to see since the colors did not get captured, but this is a Superman Monti.

Birds Nest

Along with the Cali Tort there are three kinds of Zoa here.
In the upper left are some that are bright yellow. The ones on the rock below the Acro and green Zoas are shining orange in the right light.

This is a better picture of the vicious green coral. This rock is at the back of the tank, well away from everything else for safety.


M.A.S.C Club Member
New Stock Pictures

Well once is just an event, but twice is a trend. Another Saturday trip to Aquatic Art, and another "Wife Goes Wild" afternoon. A lot of new stock added to the tank. Sorry for the pics on these. Cell Phone, and the white balance is way off.

The downside of this visit was that I decided I needed to get a Hanna Checker, and it turns out my PO4 is running at .45 ppm. I picked up a reactor and some RowaPhos as an emergency buy on sunday (Thanks Vince for the items and a nice visit, next time I will not walk in 5 minutes before you close so that I can really look at the livestock). Reactor is setup, a small amount of RowaPhos is dancing in the reactor now. Hopefully I kept the amount low enough not to shock anything in the system.

So for the real reason anyone may have clicked on this post. Pics....

Aussie Toxic Hammer and a good sized Frog Spawn. I am hoping the Clowns decide they like one of these two.
On the right is my Superman Monti that has been in the tank a few weeks. On the left is a new frag of ORA something or other. I still cannot remember these names. It has a light purple structure with neon green extensions. Very nice looking piece.
A Blasto frag that my wife just had to have. She really loves this little guy.
Small Acan frag. He seems to have made himself as home based on all the eating he was doing last night.
My scariest purchase of the day. A small (3-4 inches) Maxima clam. He has not full extended the mantel yet, but hopefully with the PO4 falling by the day he will be happy. He is directly under one of the MH lights (currently off in this pic), so he should be getting plenty. Once he pops up for the first time I will provide a rock for him to attach too.
This has been in the tank for a couple of weeks, but it is one of my favorite pieces. Guess I just really like Favia (I think that is what it is)
Some (Stardust?) Zoas. Speckled pink.
Another shot of the Hammer and Frog Spawn, just because I am enjoying them so much in the tank. They really added a missing element, and they are virtually the only things that are not tiny frag at this point.
A small colony of Candy Canes. I have a three head neon green colony, but these have a darker and more variegated coloring. They are also off on a side rock that really needs more color and life.

There is still room in the tank, and I have a special rock (totally empty right now) that I see very clearly in the side view of the tank I get from my reading chair that is screaming out for a rear Zoa/Paly. Something with really bight color that will get the rock all to itself. It would be that frag of Blue Hornets that Cherub has listed if my wife would let me get away with it, but I guess I will just dream for a while longer.

Hope everyone enjoyed the new pics.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
The vicious coral you mention is probably hydnophora.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I will get a full tank shot up as soon as I figure out how to get the colors in my pictures correct. Right now it is just a blue blob mess since I cannot get the white balance correct.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
A yellow filter will help. Even a pair of yellow shooting/driving glasses over the lens helps. Get white balance close and try it with a yellow filter.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Bomb tank ......I'd be really monitoring everything supper tight also have prime and stability on hand ........wish my wife would go crazy at the fish store lol

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M.A.S.C Club Member
It is scary. I think I have her convinced to get those Zoas from Cherub if they are still listed on the 15th. I want those Blue Hornets so bad, and the Scrambled Eggs are nice.