

M.A.S.C Club Member
I would defiently get someone to look at it, if you can. I mean it is hard to tell by the picture but you have seen what the overwhelming response was. Get it checked out and hopefully we are all wrong and it is a BTA


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yea deffintly get it checked out, if im wrong then im an ******* and owe ya a huge apoligy and free corals. IMO its a BTA and i have little dought looking at mine. Everything i have read in the last 15min scamble to learn more about majo's is they continue to split and split and split and split... you get the point... they dont stop splitting. mine has not split in at least three months or better.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't think you owe me anything I didn't pay for it. Its all apart of a reef is identifying things lol so really its cool ill find out tom. And we can seee I am hoping I havering btas lol cause that would be sweet or I have some green *** mojas. Which is cool too cause at least I found them


M.A.S.C Club Member
Have Wicked Demon check them out we all know he is "coral id" God


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I kept majanos in one of my tanks because they looked cool.
Mine didn't split for months. I finally ended up pumping them full
of pickling lime because I wanted the tank for raising nassarius snails.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I bought a rock/frag with zoas on it, from a local vendor last summer, in the middle of the zoas were 2 majanos. I asked what they were, and was told some sort of paly. They looked cool, and were the reason I bought the rock. 1 week later I had 4 for of them, and another week I had a couple more. The vendor was surprised, and I ended up introducing them to Mr Bic lighter.
At that size its hard to imagine an bta splitting. The majano I had earlier this year had some with fatter tips that look a lot like those. Looks like majano :(
Btw the few I got split and split within the first couple days I think I had eight of em. Nothing a syringe full of kalk past couldnt handle.

Sent from my VM670 using Tapatalk


M.A.S.C Club Member
well i have had these for t weeks at least and only split once that i can tell i looked all over. both about the same size. but did find some on some rock i just bought and they look alot different. well in color and size and lenght of tenticals


M.A.S.C Club Member
check it out Aaron I am dying to hear the verdict on this one.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok well elite said yes mojano but he did not seem to sure of what I was talking about. At first he said to small to tell then yes because of how fast it split


M.A.S.C Club Member
okay i should be here i have to goto dbarnes sometime tonight. but i can give you that frag of pink zoas tonight for coming or i can keep it for a while and let it grow out...its only 3 small polyps. up too you