Bubble Algea

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Interesting, I as well have tried emeralds but haven't lasted more than a couple weeks. Tried the water change method with no flow while removing. Even removed the rocks them selves and individually removed by meticulously twisting and removing. The bubble algea continues to come back ten fold...

I won't risk adding a fox face with the gallon tank I have. The colonies are quite crowded so removing is tough, I've tried removing with a surgical knife, pop a couple and 20 re-grow. Any other ideas?


M.A.S.C Club Member
J4Style;302219 said:
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Interesting, I as well have tried emeralds but haven't lasted more than a couple weeks. Tried the water change method with no flow while removing. Even removed the rocks them selves and individually removed by meticulously twisting and removing. The bubble algea continues to come back ten fold...

I won't risk adding a fox face with the gallon tank I have. The colonies are quite crowded so removing is tough, I've tried removing with a surgical knife, pop a couple and 20 re-grow. Any other ideas?
what are your tank levels at? phos? nitrate? ammonia?
how often and how much do you feed as well? What lights do you run and time?

bubble algae I've only found to get eaten and taken out by emeralds. I had bubble algae once in the 180g, no more than 20 or 30 bubbles. took me 1 crab and when it was visibly gone i threw him in the sump. never came back.
Ph 8.4, nitrate 0, ammonia 0, phosphate .12, alkalinity 8.3, calcium 440, temp 79, salinity 1.024.

I suspect the phosphates are causing the outbreak. I feed 1-2 times per day light to moderate feedings making sure food is consumed and running the skimmer constantly. Running the lights 9 hours a day, I'm running dual T5's, actinic plus and reef spec pink.
I also run a 10% water change weekly. Another thought is the filters in my RO/DI unit need to be changed. Coming up on 6 months but the bubble algae has been present for about 3 months.
The only thing I had success with was actually gently wiggling them while siphoning. Every now and again I'd have a pop, but infrequently. Emeralds eventually got it under control when I was done.