Cadlights 18G Nano


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
It'll begin with some surgery on the back panel, has to slide forward 3/4" to accommodate new gear :)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Broke out some of the equipment:

Cadlights Nano-Reactor:


Cadlights Nano-Skimmer, but it won't fit with the current setup for the tank.


So I removed the panels from the tank, and re-positioned them and re-glued, so everything fits nicely. Added new sand, and water from the display tank. I'm not expecting much of a cycle, but it's gonna be zoas for a bit I think. Maybe a pair of clowns, we'll see :)


VidaRock should be here on Tuesday for aquascaping.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
VidaRock arrived! I went with the Bonsai formation.

They foam pack it, super nice job:


Here's a front shot:


And a top down:


In the tank, front:


In the tank, top down:


I have some cord management to do tonight.

My Bonzoa tree is about to sprout some ocean-love :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
I really like the looks of that. It is going to look even better with corals on all those branches.