I've kept several BTAs under LEDs over the past year. I've definitely had color morphs, and possibly some swapping of colors. I picked up one BTA that looked like a rose (dark red, almost "rust brown"), put it in the tank with another rose, and after about 3 months it unmistakably looked like a rainbow...it had a green base with orange tips. There were no other rainbows in the tank for it to pick up zooxanthelae from. I'd have to go back and read for a refresher...but from what I understand the zooxanthellae that give a coral a brown color are used to absorb light in order to feed the coral, whereas the bright colors we all look for are from zooxanthellae that serve to protect the color from UV light. Higher intensity lighting typically helps give corals those brighter colors as it expels excess the brown zooxanthellae (since it doesn't need the extra food) and the UV light enhances coloration to protect the coral from light. Too much light and the coral is stressed and starts to bleach. Because MH puts out UV...it would make sense that you get better colors from those bulbs. But I digress...all that to say that in my case mentioned above...the increase in lighting made the coral expel the excess brown zooxanthellae and become more colorful, IMO. No swapping, and no strange morphing in that case. After adding more rainbows to the tank, however, this nem split several times (I have 4 of them now), and they are all green with pink tips...no more orange.
Next case worth mentioning...I have a rainbow in my tank that I picked up from Josh that was green with pink tips. It's since split 3 times for me; one of the nems is now green with yellow tips, the other 2 are green with pink tips. Before the second split, BOTH nems were green with yellow tips and after the split it reverted to the previous color. They clearly morphed a couple times, and are obviously under the same lighting since they are in the same tank.
I have another nem that I got from Kris...same deal...was green with pink tips and now is green with 1/2 pink and 1/2 yellow tips. That one also split and both nems have the same color. Interestingly enough, these nems only changed color after the green and yellow nem above split and morphed back to it's old color. Call be crazy, but both nems changed color within weeks of splitting...almost like they swapped colors. They split within weeks of each other, and swapped colors at the same time...and yes, I'm sure I didn't just get them all mixed up.
As for the phantom yellow color that they picked up...my best speculation is that it came from a sunburst I lost. None of the nems had any yellow in them until after I lost the sunburst. I removed it after it sat there deflated and expelling zooxanthellae for a couple weeks; all the other nems in the tank were thriving at the time, but that one was unfortunately looking pretty bad from day one and I lost it. In any case...I think it's pretty safe to assume that's where the yellow color in my other nems came from since that color never showed up in any of the nems until after I lost the sunburst.
I don't really have plans on adding a sunburst to my tank again...I'm happy with my bright rainbows. Also, a bit worried that it might pick up colors from the rainbows anyway and start to lose that sunburst coloration.
Pure speculation, and maybe everything I had happen was just coincidental so take it with a grain of salt. But...I do have 11 rainbows in my tank now, and the only one that has maintained its original color and is not mentioned above is the one that hasn't split yet.
That one is green with orange tips and white speckles in it...picked it up from Josh and have added nems and had others split since adding it...but it's held the same color.
Next case worth mentioning...I have a rainbow in my tank that I picked up from Josh that was green with pink tips. It's since split 3 times for me; one of the nems is now green with yellow tips, the other 2 are green with pink tips. Before the second split, BOTH nems were green with yellow tips and after the split it reverted to the previous color. They clearly morphed a couple times, and are obviously under the same lighting since they are in the same tank.
I have another nem that I got from Kris...same deal...was green with pink tips and now is green with 1/2 pink and 1/2 yellow tips. That one also split and both nems have the same color. Interestingly enough, these nems only changed color after the green and yellow nem above split and morphed back to it's old color. Call be crazy, but both nems changed color within weeks of splitting...almost like they swapped colors. They split within weeks of each other, and swapped colors at the same time...and yes, I'm sure I didn't just get them all mixed up.
As for the phantom yellow color that they picked up...my best speculation is that it came from a sunburst I lost. None of the nems had any yellow in them until after I lost the sunburst. I removed it after it sat there deflated and expelling zooxanthellae for a couple weeks; all the other nems in the tank were thriving at the time, but that one was unfortunately looking pretty bad from day one and I lost it. In any case...I think it's pretty safe to assume that's where the yellow color in my other nems came from since that color never showed up in any of the nems until after I lost the sunburst.
I don't really have plans on adding a sunburst to my tank again...I'm happy with my bright rainbows. Also, a bit worried that it might pick up colors from the rainbows anyway and start to lose that sunburst coloration.
Pure speculation, and maybe everything I had happen was just coincidental so take it with a grain of salt. But...I do have 11 rainbows in my tank now, and the only one that has maintained its original color and is not mentioned above is the one that hasn't split yet.
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