Cheap Wave Controller?


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey all!
I was wondering if I could pick your brains a bit?
I have 4 new Hydor 1500s coming for my tank, and I need a simple wave controller to run them.
I don't need anything complicated..but I do want some kind of RANDOM setting.
Ironically, the Hydor basic wave box solution only has oscillation and only for two devices.
The only thing I have found so far that fits is the old Wavemaster Pro 4-plug unit.

Does anyone know of any other solutions that will do 4-plugs random?
Any advice much appreciated.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hmmmm...I had not thought about an actually...really-real controller...but the RKL looks pretty cool...and cheaper than I thought!
Will the RKL run two-part dosing out of the box?

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Cheap Wave Controller?

You'll need to get dosing pumps and so yes and no


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Right...I would need two peristalic dosing pumps...some bottles for two-part. And the PH module...with at least one extra power bar..if I was going to be running four pumps on four different channels. adds up fast.
But it is upgrades are doable down the road...
Thanks for the input guys...this really took me in a different direction! :)


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I used the Hydor and just used a three way splitter on the outlets so I could plug in several of the low wattage pumps. It can handle quite a bit of wattage per outlet so I have had no problems.