Colorado Freshwater Advice


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Be careful when using carbon, it will pull certain useful elements out of your water column. 1 such element is iron. Low iron can cause yellow edges on leaves. I used the fluorite stuff in my last build, and I had excellent growth.
I compiled all your guys help and this is actually in the works, I took my time didn't I :) All it needs is a water change and some plants now.
I have 8 aquascape fw tanks. 1cold water, 1 low tech Discus, 1 low tech brackish, and 7 with HO led and co2 systems.

If you plan on using CO2, you will want to have your tank water pretty hard..the harder the water is more co2 you can safely pump and the more your plants will grow.

After you get your tank filled and hardscaped, I suggest you throw some plain amonia in it.. the buy your self a nutrient sponge cheap plant like anacharis... it will speed up the cycle a little bit. Some freshwater tanks can take 6 weeks to cycle