Alright, so the orientation in the tank is definitely different, but I think I managed to not to crush anything by changing the position of rocks. Here's a shot of the full tank:
Probably 50% of the rock in there is from the Columbine tank, the rest pre-existing. I was just starting to get some good development on some of the lace rock turning into live rock from the bits I previously had. The remaining LR from the high school is in the sump, and it is pretty full as well.
Here are what I'd consider the "showpiece" rocks from what I already had and what was obtained from Jason. I apologize ahead of time for the washed out light. I really should just turn it down to the actinics and shoot again. Also, This was pretty soon after I put stuff back in the tank, so not everything has really "recovered" yet from the culture shock of switching tanks and water conditions, etc. Since then, everything has puffed back up and bloomed back out and is feeding wonderfully. Also, the remaining green algae that just won't give up is visible. Ugh.
Jason, thank you so much! This was a treasure trove of LR/livestock goodness.