copepods questions please help


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
so ive got a few questions aboutcopepods.

lets start with i know nothing about them lol so i want to learn how do i keep them what is the best way to keep these guys living?
should i buy a bottle of them at the LFS put some in the fuge and some in the display tank?

i'm getting a mandarin so i want to make sure theres plenty of live food for him.

and help is greatly appreciated it


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
for one, dont buy the tigger pods.... check out AlgaeBarn instead... I bought one of his kits to seed my fuge and now i have a huge population of them. Also, make sure you have plenty of rock/macro algae for them to hide and breed. Feeding phyto helps them populate as well.


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
ok so how much rock would you say in the fuge? i dont have a ton of room since its a wet dry turned into fuge? what type of micro algae would you say to use?


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well for one I'd stuff it with chaeto. They run around in mine, and it does have it's usual benefits of nutrient export.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Check the chaeto thread in classifieds. Tons of free chaeto. Might get lucky and get some bristle worms and other nice refugium critters.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Cool, lil tanks and Mandarins don't mix, so you'll be fine once you have a good population :)


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
thats when i'm picking up a mandarin i have a few pods in my tank now i think thats what i see but just wanted tips on getting them the grow and breed ect


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: copepods questions please help

Remember, slow is the key here. I remember you recently posting up your big tank for sale, getting a cube, then listing stuff for sale due to ich. Am I wrong? Slow down buddy. I'd like a fellow fitter to hang out with on the forum


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
ya i couldnt sell the tank so i took out the old sand bought all new water the instant cycle sand and i have some stuff thriving already so i've got 5 weeks or so to get everything up to part :) fixed everything i did wrong the first time and hopefully do it the right way now that i've learned from my mistakes.
but ya sadly i couldnt sell my tank so i decided to just restart


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
copepods questions please help

Yea copods take a while to really get going, so you need to give it a while and there's no way that little fuge will sustain the mandarin on its own, better plan on ordering copods maybe every other week or so to keep him looking great. It's impossible to have a good community of copods in a tank with a mandarin cuz the mandarin will decimate the population really quick. Just my opinion I think mandarins are awesome but unless you have a really good fuge that's a good size it's tough to just depend on that, just plan on buying some and keeping him feed on supplement foods a little. Just my .02 good luck man! Ich is a bitch and hope your clean out worked.


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
ya hopefully changing everything soaking it all did the trick we will see. but i'm going to build a fuge that will have a mass of about 30 gallons then i'm going to swap the to out and get that going but for now i'm just going to buy pods for the display and raise them in the fuge good idea or bad?