Craigars 975 gallon system


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Loss some color in some corals as my calcium reactor has finally reached its limits. Im dosing 140 mills of calcium on top of my calcium reactor running full bore. But all and all it looks good. Had to trim my red planet and a few others due to drowning out others B2241B98-A654-4F76-8478-1F9147A22D0B.jpeg 885FF9CE-764D-4187-BDED-4A5FEB6067CE.jpeg E197889F-9350-49BC-AFAD-C6A5371899A7.jpeg 109D08DE-4866-4201-8A3C-7B4A829406A3.jpeg CE5AFB6C-E9FA-4E3C-A65C-AF168534237F.jpeg 2A7C6B65-003D-41A8-B342-7BBC308F1F33.jpeg 7A28B8B9-7DF0-442B-9D22-658EE2542082.jpeg F00D70E4-A2DE-48BA-A001-525659EB5CAF.jpeg B86256CC-CDA5-475A-8517-F81AE27AB69F.jpeg 48965217-46FE-4BF9-A8D1-785DE21FD86B.jpeg 885FF9CE-764D-4187-BDED-4A5FEB6067CE.jpeg E197889F-9350-49BC-AFAD-C6A5371899A7.jpeg 109D08DE-4866-4201-8A3C-7B4A829406A3.jpeg CE5AFB6C-E9FA-4E3C-A65C-AF168534237F.jpeg 2A7C6B65-003D-41A8-B342-7BBC308F1F33.jpeg 7A28B8B9-7DF0-442B-9D22-658EE2542082.jpeg F00D70E4-A2DE-48BA-A001-525659EB5CAF.jpeg B86256CC-CDA5-475A-8517-F81AE27AB69F.jpeg 885FF9CE-764D-4187-BDED-4A5FEB6067CE.jpeg E197889F-9350-49BC-AFAD-C6A5371899A7.jpeg 109D08DE-4866-4201-8A3C-7B4A829406A3.jpeg CE5AFB6C-E9FA-4E3C-A65C-AF168534237F.jpeg 2A7C6B65-003D-41A8-B342-7BBC308F1F33.jpeg 7A28B8B9-7DF0-442B-9D22-658EE2542082.jpeg F00D70E4-A2DE-48BA-A001-525659EB5CAF.jpeg B86256CC-CDA5-475A-8517-F81AE27AB69F.jpeg 885FF9CE-764D-4187-BDED-4A5FEB6067CE.jpeg E197889F-9350-49BC-AFAD-C6A5371899A7.jpeg 109D08DE-4866-4201-8A3C-7B4A829406A3.jpeg CE5AFB6C-E9FA-4E3C-A65C-AF168534237F.jpeg 2A7C6B65-003D-41A8-B342-7BBC308F1F33.jpeg 7A28B8B9-7DF0-442B-9D22-658EE2542082.jpeg F00D70E4-A2DE-48BA-A001-525659EB5CAF.jpeg B86256CC-CDA5-475A-8517-F81AE27AB69F.jpeg B2241B98-A654-4F76-8478-1F9147A22D0B.jpeg 885FF9CE-764D-4187-BDED-4A5FEB6067CE.jpeg E197889F-9350-49BC-AFAD-C6A5371899A7.jpeg 109D08DE-4866-4201-8A3C-7B4A829406A3.jpeg CE5AFB6C-E9FA-4E3C-A65C-AF168534237F.jpeg 2A7C6B65-003D-41A8-B342-7BBC308F1F33.jpeg 7A28B8B9-7DF0-442B-9D22-658EE2542082.jpeg F00D70E4-A2DE-48BA-A001-525659EB5CAF.jpeg


M.A.S.C Club Member
Holy smokes that is incredible. Nicely done. What lights are you running?

I like how the zoas and shrooms have covered the rockwork but the acros are still the centerpiece.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Holy smokes that is incredible. Nicely done. What lights are you running?

I like how the zoas and shrooms have covered the rockwork but the acros are still the centerpiece.
Thank you! I’m running 6 radion xr30 pros and 2 400 w reefbrite metal halides


M.A.S.C Club Member
Unless your CaRx is really small, it should be able to keep up if it has a good tune and you are not trying to "control" it with a pH probe. Some people have no interest in this, but if you do, let me know and I can show you how. Even my 4" body and 30" tall Korallin could handle a 10,000 gallon heavy SPS tank, but the media would need changed quite often.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Unless your CaRx is really small, it should be able to keep up if it has a good tune and you are not trying to "control" it with a pH probe. Some people have no interest in this, but if you do, let me know and I can show you how. Even my 4" body and 30" tall Korallin could handle a 10,000 gallon heavy SPS tank, but the media would need changed quite often.
My main body is 6”x18”. And my second body is 4 x 16i have my kamoer fx running full bore which is 120 mil/min I believe I can’t even count the bubbles anymore I’ll measure my dkh later tonight to see what it’s at
Agree with JDA.. might be too fast. I run my CaRX at 60ml/min… 70 when the media is really depleted. If there’s not enough contact time you won’t get enough dkh in the effluent.


M.A.S.C Club Member
29 dKh is solid output number. Unless you have like a MaxiJet on full blast with no ball or gate valve, then the reactor will produce more. Coralline is likely your biggest consumer - you can use pincushions to keep it down 6x18 is not that big, but it should get you more. Maybe you have a 8x30, or the like, in your future.

Second chamber does not do anything, really, unless you have just a ton of unused co2 leaving the reactor - this only really happens when people use pH controller and it turns on/off a lot and dumps a bunch of co2 every time it turns on.

I like to keep my dKh around 25, so 29 is fine. You can probably go up to 40 and be OK without melting the media, so you could also turn the bubbles up just a touch.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Been finishing the basement around the tank for the last 3 weeks I haven’t been able to even see in the tank as it was taped off for tape and texture and then I decided to grind my floors before doing my laminate. Took every precaution possible to keep the dust out and fumes.uncovered it today and cleaned the glass and man feels like stuff grew like a weed. Trying to post a video but it’s not letting me


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Been finishing the basement around the tank for the last 3 weeks I haven’t been able to even see in the tank as it was taped off for tape and texture and then I decided to grind my floors before doing my laminate. Took every precaution possible to keep the dust out and fumes.uncovered it today and cleaned the glass and man feels like stuff grew like a weed. Trying to post a video but it’s not letting me
Videos are subject to file size limits, and they exceed them quickly, so that likely why it wont upload it. I find it easier to host it elsewhere and just link to it instead