dbtc Sea Hare


M.A.S.C Club Member
djkms;60671 said:
If you guys are talking about the sea hare that dvenson has, that thing is UGLY!!!!! Man it sure gets the job done though ahahaha. I guess its rather cool in its own right!

i noticed a spot of hair algea in one of your pics you may be needing one in a few weeks also:eek:


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
lol it took so long to get him i got my algae issue handeled im gonna have to pass, for he will starve . it kinda sucks i wanted to watch him devouire the algae


M.A.S.C Club Member
deadrock;62462 said:
lol it took so long to get him i got my algae issue handeled im gonna have to pass, for he will starve . it kinda sucks i wanted to watch him devouire the algae
how did you handle it?


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
kent tech-m its working phemomanal i am very impressed with it . i cant believe ive been fighting it for so long and now its gone so easy lol


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
deadrock;62568 said:
kent tech-m its working phemomanal i am very impressed with it . i cant believe ive been fighting it for so long and now its gone so easy lol
Glad to help :)

Btw love the birdsnest! Watermelon didn't make it for some stupid reason, everything else is doing great. I'm hoping the unknown macro grows, the mermaids sure is.

Sorry to derail.


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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yeah no clue. Glad the tech m worked. I'm starting to get gha tufts again. No clue why, my Nitrate and Phosphate still test undetectable. Haven't changed anything except feeding with rods now. Might just do that once a week and stick with mysis and pellets otherwise.

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
No worries on the frag, i do want to work something out with you on the tricolor though.

Not using the techm, it's not bryopsis that i have, just your run of the mill gha. I don't think techm will do much for it. Honestly I think im just overfeeding with rods even though it all seems to be eaten in a couple minutes.

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