does any one here have experience using the aquaripure filtration?

I have purchased a 45 g tank,and stand, today picked up a 5 stage RO/DI.

I am low on funds and im not setting my tank up untill ive researched the best

filtration system, best liting ( taking into account my low budget ) best refugium?

I am very , very green and i very new . Ive spent hours each nite after work,

googling everything.

I am now researching filtration and i keep running across this AQUARIPURE SYSTEM?

I was wondering if anyone has used this ??



Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member

completely thought it was something else. It's a denitrator. I think shaun used to run one. He didn't do a w/c in over a year and had amazing sps. You can make your own if you feel so inclined.
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M.A.S.C Club Member
That came up quite a bit when I was just getting in as well. Now that I've been immersed in the hobby for awhile, I can say I've never heard or known someone running the system. I can't say one way or another on it. I can say that being completely new, I would go with the tried and true methods that you will consistently see among reefers here and elsewhere. At least to start. ;)

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I looked into it at one point, but to me it seems like a waste. The whole idea is that it is providing a place for bacteria to thrive and remove ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate from your system. They claim that you will not need to make water changes, which I would not recommend for a reef system. If you set the system up properly, using live rock and sand, and let it cycle completely, you do not need to purchase this system. Just keep up with your water changes, which will replenish the trace elements that have been used up and remove any nitrates from the system, and you will be fine. Just my $0.02.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
from what I understand about it, it uses the same concepts as bio pellet reactors and vodka dosing. Increasing the amount of anaerobic bacteria that will strip the Oxygen from Nitrate, turning it into Nitrogen gas which will be removed through the air exchange of the water. Which in theory, will eliminate the need for water changes to remove excess nitrate, however if you have a reef tank you will still need some way to add elements back into your system. I have also heard lots of horror stories about tanks that use this system of nutrient export crashing unexpectedly.
Thanks, I was getting ready to maybe put my hard earned money into one of these. I am going to go with your suggestions and shy away from the system. I repair appliances and 3 weeks ago went into a customers home to repair an appliance. i spent over an hour looking at his amazing tank, and talking to him about maybe slowly starting by gathering information. That nite i was googling everyting i could,
and didnt go to bed till around midnite. Thiers alot to learn. Its a very unforgiving hobby. I LOVE THE CHALLENGE . We will have to see if i have what it takes. Thanks everyone for the friendly advice and maybe saving my wallet.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I spent about 3 months and countless hours reading, researching, preparing and planning before I took the plunge. At some point you just have to get your hands wet and start building experience. I jumped in with a 28g Nano to make sure I could get a handle on the husbandry, or at least begin to. If you have patience and the willingness to work through a mistake here and there, you have what it takes! ;) Definitely stick with this club for information and assistance, worth it's weight in gold. Challenging = Rewarding (like I needed to tell you that) :cool:
i do have a 45 gallon tank and stand

:)I have the tank and stand and im slowly accumulating the long list of everything i will need to start cyling my tank. I have limited funds so heres my list of what i have and this weeks planned purchase. Very short list of what i have. LOL ( 1) 45 gallon tank and stand. ( 2) Just ordered a RO/ DI system 75gpd

This weeks ( by sunday ) planned purchase. Filtration ?? and maybe a used refugium/sump. I have been buying everything on craigslist and planning on going to mile
high swap at 88th av .

If anyone has any ideas on what i should buy , please email me.


Ps should i buy sand and rock new ? or off craigs list?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would go with new sand and a good amount of dry/base rock. The dry rock will cost much less than getting liverock, unless you find someone getting rid of a bunch for a good deal. You can seed a large amount of dry rock with a few good pieces of live rock. If you but live rock, try to get stuff that is fairly certain to be "pest free". No guarantees, but better piece of mind starting out. Elite has aquacultured live rock that is almost guaranteed not to have pests. Great to seed with. Just my .02
Choosing Live Rock and Live sand

I was thinking of starting with ( 45 gallon tank ) new as you suggested. Safer and pest free. Someone on another forum mentioned live sand in the bags can expire ( expiration
on bag maybe??? ) I am near FISH DEN near 44th and SHERIDAN. Is this a descent
store to buy from? I have ordered a new RO/DI system online and when i get this
( probably toward middle of next week i will store 35 gallons of water ( i have a 35 gallon
storage tank with an auto shut off.

This weekends purchases. ( A) Salt ( B) live sand ( new from FISH DEN ) Thermometer

and heater ( some type of circulation pump or power head to use in storage tank , to circulate and mix up mysalt and RO/DI.


M.A.S.C Club Member
IMO, don't spend the extra on "live sand" in a bag. Everyone I've talked to and everything I've researched says it's pretty much a gimmick. Just get dry sand and have someone from the forum hook you up with a cup or two of their established live sand to seed the new stuff. Works great. I've given out several cups to get people started...if you were closer I'd offer. I think I actually got several bags of dry sand from Aquamart for my fish only...good price on whatever it was!