Wow, this is a really old thread. I started reefing in the Bay Area and still frequent the BARs forum. I had no idea that they started dbtc. They have been running a new automated dbtc service called Bar Code that tracks the chain and sends notifications for updates every six months in an effort to keep the chain from going dry. We had talked of making it something other clubs could use; I wonder if it’s at that point or if they are still testing it. I see posts somewhat frequently where ideas for improving it are happening. Is this something that MASC would be interested in? I can contact the creator on BARs but I don’t know all the technical requirements to know if it would be compatible with our forum.
I certainly would like to hear more about that and what is required to implement. We have long had an issue of being able to track these especially since many of DBTC happen at a meeting/frag swap. We have discussed way to track these in the past but all of it involved someone basically keeping a spreadsheet and constantly updating it, which is totally impractical.
Ideally we would want to know, who received the dbtc, whether the dbtc'd coral is alive/dead, when it was received, when the that person then dbtc'd back the 2 required frags, ect..